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Premier knows that physically fit children don’t just make for happy kids - they make for happy classrooms as well.

With the help of dynamic physical activities like fencing, your children will return to their lessons alert and attentive, ready to face the school day.

Known as ‘physical chess’, fencing is a comprehensive sport that not only hones physical strength and speed, but is also known for increasing concentration and decision-making skills. The lessons your children will learn with Premier’s fencing programmes can be employed on the mat and off, bringing increased strategic-thinking and sharpened focus back to the classroom.

With the help of our partners at British Fencing, Premier offers courses before and during school in addition to our after-school programmes, which means your children can experience the benefits of fencing within school hours, shaking off any excess energy. That focus they learned when blocking an opponent's attack can now be turned to their lessons.

Come see why fencing is one of Premier’s most popular offerings...

Premier are so convinced fencing will benefit your students that we’re offering a free fencing taster session to any school that’s yet to see what all the fuss is about.

Claim your FREE taster session

We aren’t just interested in helping your pupils... we want to help you too!

Fit-Trition is an exciting and engaging programme by Premier Wellbeing that encourages the ‘Whole School Approach’ to health and wellbeing. Available to parents and teachers, at convenient times around the school day, this programme will help you become the perfect healthy role models to your children.

Email us to book in your FREE Fit-Trition session.

*Subject to area and availability

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Premier, Shropham, Norfolk, NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040

All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725

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