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HALF PRICE special offer – only £1.50 per pupil, per year!
We’ve heard lots of inspiring stories from primary schools that incorporated The Golden Mile into last week’s National Obesity Awareness Week, which is fantastic!
It’s now important we all work together to ensure we keep up the good work. The frightening fact that 20% of all children leaving primary school are classed as obese needs to change.
We want to do our bit to ensure regularly health and physical activity to accessible to your school. That’s why we’ve introduced a special HALF PRICE OFFER.
“We had been looking for quite a while for a way to improve the participation and fitness of all our pupils, whether they were sport mad or not, and the Golden Mile seemed to fit our needs exactly.
“As a school which takes the physical fitness and well-being of every single pupil very seriously, we would highly recommend The Golden Mile scheme to any school!”
Deputy Head Teacher at Four Oaks Primary School
Register now with promo code NOAW50...
Schools normal investment is £90 per class but as part of our support for last week’s NOAW, your school’s investment is just £45 per class. That equates to just £1.50 per pupil, per year!
All you need to do is register now and use promo code NOAW50 for 50% OFF.

Register now and join the race to the top!
We’re delighted to say our registered schools clocked up an impressive 10,655 Golden Miles in December with 35,000 children recording their physical activity equating to a massive 42,118 miles of physical activity so far this school year.
On the coldest week of the year, are you reading this newsletter but dreaming of getting away for some winter sun? Here’s a little fact to tickle your taste buds... our schools travelled the equivalent distance from London to the beautiful island of Fiji when they walked, jogged or ran 10,000 miles in December!
Top scoring schools in December 2014
Every month we publish a list of our top three schools that have averaged the most Golden Miles per pupil throughout the month. Here’s our top three from December -
- Hempland Primary School, York averaged 8.90 Golden Miles per pupil.
- Isham Church of England School, Kettering averaged 4.77 Golden Miles per pupil.
- Slaley First School, Hexham averaged 3.61 Golden Miles per pupil.
Well done Hempland!
Suffolk school launches The Golden Mile as part of National Obesity Awareness Week
Easton Community Primary School in Suffolk launched The Golden Mile last week, to help encourage all children to participate in regular exercise in a fun and exciting way.
The Golden Mile allows the children to run around a pre-measured track each week and total up the number of miles they can run in a year.
The challenge is run by six year 6 pupils who have accepted the challenged and will monitor and record each class. Parents and teachers/TA’s (and head teachers) can also get involved.
Click ‘Read More’ to view a few pictures from the launch day.

Inactivity ‘kills more than obesity’
A lack of exercise could be killing twice as many people as obesity in Europe, a 12-year study of more than 300,000 people suggests.
University of Cambridge researchers said about 676,000 deaths each year were down to inactivity, compared with 337,000 from carrying too much weight.
They concluded that getting everyone to do at least 20 minutes of brisk walking a day would have substantial benefits.
Experts said exercise was beneficial for people of any weight. Obesity and inactivity often go hand in hand.

The Golden Mile in action...

Please contact us if you have any enquiries or if you want to know more about our programmes.
Email: [email protected]
Call: +44 (0)1953 499 040
Fax your details to 01953 498 693
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