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Go the extra mile with The Golden Mile – FREE for a full year!
We only have a very limited number of free sign ups still available for The Golden Mile, so it’s time to register your interest before Wednesday 20th July! The Golden Mile is a fun and measurable way to get communities more active more often, no matter what their level of ability.
The first few County Sport Partnerships to register before the deadline will be given the chance to implement The Golden Mile FREE to all of their primary schools from September...

What is The Golden Mile?
The Golden Mile is an ALL YEAR ROUND initiative whereby pupils, staff and parents can get involved. The initiative involves walking, running or jogging around your Golden Mile track within the safety of the school grounds. Our downloadable resources help the teachers and children upload the number of laps that pupils have achieved. The Golden Mile can also be used for school competitions, and can be a great fundraising tool!
Who recommends us?
As well as backing from the likes of Olympic Gold Medallist Duncan Goodhew MBE and the Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust, we receive excellent feedback from pupils, parents and teachers. Take a look at the video below to find out what people think of our initiative...

Work with County Sports Partnerships...

Active Surrey have been working with The Golden Mile to deliver the “Road to Rio” programme in the lead up to the 2016 Olympics – the challenge involved schools running, walking or jogging the distance to Rio between them. An amazing 150 schools signed up, impacting 40,000 children, completing 330,000 miles in just 3 months! There were 2 winners of the challenge – the school who completed the most miles (22,000!) and another smaller school who covered the most miles per child.
If you would like to register for The Golden Mile and be in with the chance of delivering the initiative in schools in your area FREE FOR A WHOLE YEAR, please sign up below...

Please contact us if you have any enquiries or if you want to know more about our programmes.
Email: [email protected]
Call: +44 (0)1953 499 040
Fax your details to 01953 498 693
Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040
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