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Friday 10th May 2013

weekly news update


...to this week's franchisee newsletter, following on from the Skills & Compliance edition last week. This week features the latest instalment from Operations Director, Danny Melling.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this newsletter please contact:

Danny Melling - Operations Director
E: [email protected] | T: 07920 008420


Sales – do you have the TIME?

We have been inundated with success stories from franchisees since the sports premium announcement and the launch of the new Inspire programme. Are you sharing that success?

Time is of the essence now to get contracts signed for next year. TIME associates most recent stats shows that on average it is taking 27 calls to make one appointment. The best case scenario is 12 calls and worst case is 62!!!

Do you have the capacity to be making this amount of calls to secure the appointments you need to grow?

You can still purchase TIME associates support via the online shop.

Did you know - There are 190 school days and 175 non-school days in a year?

With the clamber to secure contracts and sport premium funding for September it's vitally important that you don't forget to be fully prepared for the summer holidays. These are often the difference between successful and average franchises.

If you go into September having made a loss through the summer or unable to provide work for staff you will be starting the new academic year with an uphill battle. Speak to schools about some 'pupil premium' funded events and plan enough days to deliver to cater for any courses that don't get sufficient numbers i.e. don't put all your eggs in one basket!

Summer venues should now be booked and being advertised shortly. Don't neglect this area of the business as it could be financial suicide! Remember, your overheads do not stop at the end of each term, they are ongoing for 12 months.

Egg-citing times! Easter holiday courses a real boost

In 2013 we have seen a huge improvement in holiday course attendances & revenue. The Easter half term saw an increase in attendances by 27% on last year and 24% increase in revenue. These figures have been achieved by 9% fewer franchises delivering events! These figures replicate an equally successful Feb half term where attendances were up 24% on the previous year and revenue 31%.

Are you benefitting from these increases in your territory or are your competitors?

Scheme of work and planning framework

You will soon receive the scheme of work and planning framework which is vital for your 'outstanding' delivery into primary schools next year. This will be available on the online resources section. Make sure you understand and implement these with each school & coach respectively. Further training will be given during the upcoming 'products' core training.

A subject leader in one of our new territories commented last week that our scheme of work and planning framework is the "most comprehensive and thorough offer of PPA cover/PE delivery that she had ever come across"

Plan some CPD time in the summer to work with staff on the demands of the new curriculum, sport premium funding and THEIR responsibilities as a Premier Sport coach within each school.

Your challenge now is to deliver the promise and build a long term, sustainable partnership with schools, lasting long after the sport premium funding.

Premier Sport Training Academy | Shropham | NR17 1EJ | 01953 499040 | [email protected]

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