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Friday 8th March 2013

weekly news update


...to the second instalment of the franchisee newsletter following on from the Compliance edition last week.

This week features the latest news from Operations highlighting the most recent Ofsted feedback and also some great stats on the growth of the network.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this newsletter please contact:

Danny Melling - Operations Director
E: [email protected] | T: 07920 008420


OFSTED Summary

To date, 8 OFSTED inspections have been carried out and over £10,000 has been invested to ensure our network is the best in the business. Vital data has been recorded, for example so far the average physical activity time within an hours lesson is just 21 minutes!

Initial feedback has been has been really positive, highlighting not only areas of development but also moderating our internal assessors who had previously picked up on the same areas for improvement.

A full report will be provided at April's Training Event, but franchisees and their schools can rest assured that this project will help enhance our curriculum delivery service.

Network Growth

Premier Sport is on the up! Year to date, we have increased the amount of curriculum time delivery by a whopping 17% on the same stage last year and extracurricular events by a staggering 18% which means more jobs and investment.

To help dispel the fear of school’s budget shrinking, school funded clubs are up a massive 22% on the same time last year. The work is out there, make sure you capitalise and create enough time for sales & growth!

Summer School Success

More and more franchisees are having success from the information and email template we provided earlier this year regarding funded holiday courses.

Darren Dicks secured a meeting with a head teacher and was ecstatic to secure funding to deliver a half day course at Easter with a view to more funding in the future. Darren said “We agreed to run an Easter SAT Booster club for year 6’s whereby the children will do lessons in the morning for 3 days followed by sport with my team in the afternoon. I have charged £75 a coach for a half day with no hassle of marketing and promotion.  If the booster school is successful we will run a club for the whole school club at May half term”.

Are you being creative enough with planning for school holidays or are you just waiting for the work to come to you? After receiving this funding Darren enthused “ Schools will spend pupil premium on this type of activity, especially when combined with educational sessions” Make sure you have stringent plans in place for the school holidays as any business is simply unsustainable when not operating for 3 months per year.

Business Plan Support

Recently 12 franchisees realised the importance of business planning and building a long term strategy for the benefit of them, their family and their business. They took a day out of their busy schedules to attend an additional core training workshop at HQ with David Batch and Danny Melling. Everybody left enthused and motivated towards creating a plan with a strong vision for the future.

Good luck all, we look forward to seeing the results.

On His Way To Wembley

Congratulations to Dudley Holloway from the West Midlands franchise, who was graded OFSTED outstanding when visited in January. As a reward for his hard work and dedication Premier Sport have arranged two ‘Club Wembley’ tickets to him and a guest to celebrate his hard work.

Well done Dudley!

Premier Sport Success Story - Dan French

Franchisee of 10 years, Dan French had an important decision to make this summer. His Premier Sport contract was coming to an end and he had to decide which path his life was going to take. Dan had always worked in his business, coaching on a daily basis...


Localised Surveys for Franchisees

During a recent franchise network meeting it was suggested by Dan Harris that we create a survey to be used locally within schools to canvass opinion from parents who may not be included within Premier Sport’s mailing list so that franchisees can assess at a local level customer awareness and product knowledge.

The marketing team are in the process of creating this document which can be downloaded and used by franchisees to improve local strategy and service.

Network Meeting Feedback - Positive / Negative

Recent network meeting attendance again were encouraging with each group setting their own ground rules and mission statement. Lots of positive comments and feedback shared amongst peers. Please ensure that any constructive feedback you may wish to share with HQ has detailed evidence so we can follow up effectively and accurately to support you and improve our service across the board.

Premier Sport Training Academy | Shropham | NR17 1EJ | 01953 499040 | [email protected]

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