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Friday 23rd March 2018

Welcome to your Weekly Roundup featuring articles from across Premier.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]


ukactive Landscape

This session gave us all an insight into the changing landscape of our sector, building community hubs and focussing more on health as well as education through 52-week programmes and solutions via engaging holiday programmes, rather than just 38 weeks of school term. It was a clear reminder to us all that we need to move with the times and stay ahead of the times. Look what just happened to Toys R us for example!

The below video from Danny Melling will provide further information... #FutureProof

MAT’s the way to do it!

This session was a thought provoking session to ensure you ‘do your homework’ then sales. If you throw lots of mud at a wall, some will stick but it will be costly time consuming. By strategically mapping out your area and the schools, number children/parents, Multi Academy Trusts, Teaching Schools and opportunities within all you will be much more successful. During the session Danny referenced this by Napoleon Hill - 3 feet from Gold!

The below video from Danny Melling will provide further information...

Sport Premium...

This session followed the theme of being ‘Futureproof’ and the key focus around becoming ‘Sustainable’ within all schools was to ‘Raise the profile of PE and School Sport’ within each! Doing this and measuring the positive impact will justify schools continuing to pay for your service long after the Sport Premium. Know which pots the schools use to fund each area of your work and try to embed your services into the schools designated budget for PPA cover etc. Use the Sport Premium funding to ‘leverage’ new schools and once done so, convert the schools from customers to ‘fans’ and make sure your provision is within the schools’ long-term VISION for PE linked to school improvement.

The below video from Danny Melling will provide further information...

I can’t but we can...

This was a great, interactive session which focussed on ‘Process’. Many people arrived in the room citing ‘employees’ as the problems within their business and barriers to growth yet left the room realising that in fact it was their processes (or lack of). Employees were recognised as being a vital part of any structure and company growth. Ensuring we put round pegs in round holes and both measure and reward the impact will take your business to the next level. For extra support refer to the ‘Business structure’ manual on the BMS resource section and for those interested in completing the DISC profiling for their staff, don’t forget to contact Roger Pemberton onĀ [email protected]

For those needing a reminder on what DISC offers: DISC teaches users powerful behavioural profiling skills which can directly improve performance and increase productivity in a variety of settings and professional frameworks. In simplest terms, DISC is an invaluable behavioural profiling system that teaches users how to identify - and use to their advantage - the predictable aspects of communication. If this is something of interest to you, make sure you contact Roger.

Reach Your Goals Faster and With Fewer Customers!

Are you just focusing on growing your business by increasing your number of customers?

Did you know this is the most expensive, demanding and time consuming option available to you?

Increasing both your number of customers and the AMOUNT THEY SPEND is the fastest and easiest way for you to reach your KPI goals in a short space of time. Now you have more products than ever to play with to maximise your customer life from early years engagement through to adult engagement. We have listed the below top techniques that you should be focusing on to dramatically improve profitability and demonstrate huge growth...

  1. Upsell and cross sell
  2. Package products and services
  3. Increase the size of your minimum purchase
  4. Increase your pricing
  5. Point of sale promotions

Before you implement these strategies, think about your objectives. Monitor your base point and track it monthly to track any improvement that takes place, things to think about...

  1. Average customer spend £
  2. Average attendances on clubs and camps
  3. Amount of activities on offer (are you maximising all product opportunites?)
  4. How many events do you run?

All of these are already reports available on the BMS...

Accounts Update

We’re pleased to say that we are moving the accounts department another step forward.

Debbie Waller will be once again taking over everything Activate. She will be supported by Ricky Goddard who will also be working on Premier Arts, Premier Wellbeing and Wholly Owned as part of his ongoing training and development.

As we improve processes in this side of the business, we will produce up to date info to keep you informed and report monthly on key indicators which you in turn can use to drive your business forward. Some interesting stuff!

Ricky will be the sole point of contact for the client account. Franchisees now have a special email address to contact in the event of an enquiry, so Ricky (or his support staff), can measure and resolve progress on a daily basis - [email protected]

Please DO NOT email Ricky directly, or if you do - please DO NOT complain if he doesn’t respond to a request because he is away (whereas the franchiseenquiry@ will be manned daily).

Courtney will be taking over the Educate side of the business, so will be your point of contact for TWP, B11 or Transcend.

She will be supported by Cat in the first month, who will soon be off on maternity leave. We wish Cat and her family well and look forward to seeing her in a few months time.

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