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Friday 30th March 2018

Welcome to your Weekly Roundup featuring articles from across Premier.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

Are You Future-proofing Your Business?

Is your business ahead of the curve? Karl Fox provides an update following a meeting with a County Sports Partnership...

The image below shows an example of a school social dining area (as Karl mentions in video), to create a more social dining experience throughout the school. Mixing groups, and meals as well as an open plan kitchen for children to access and help. Schools starting to invest more and more in their pupils wellbeing as it can have a positive impact attainment.

Make sure your business is part of this process in schools and supporting with the School Food Plan!


NTE Webinar Recordings

Raising the Bar - Build a team that will GROW your business

Are you doing the same thing each time you recruit and are expecting/wishing/praying that the right candidate comes along?

In this session, the delegates/attendees were challenged to really drill deep into there current recruitment processes and what they are doing to find the best possible candidates to drive business performance.

To find the perfect person it takes more than luck and within this session you will receive updates on the new apprenticeship routes and also direct feedback from Indeed ‘the no1 job site in the UK’ on best strategies to use to advertise and find the best staff - how do you get noticed and build a strategy to future-proof your business.

Watch Now

Feedback is the breakfast of champions - Ensuring you have a GREAT CQI model within your business - Action and Retention!

“To this day I still say that the biggest impact on my business growth started the very first day I implemented a CQI process into my business” - Nick Shirley – Franchisee.

You assess your staff, check!

You get feedback from some schools, check!

But is that really enough for a great CQI model - think how all the big businesses continue to improve and develop their brands - look at the iPhone updates, you are only as good as what you choose to compare yourself against!

All of this is CQI and drives business growth and development ensuring you and your teams are all growing and improving.

In this session, Andy takes you through the feedback from our national CQI report and identifies exactly what it is you need to be focusing to ensure you have a great CQI model within your business - Action and Retention!!!

Watch Now

Be a Resource not a Sales Pitch - Become Irreplaceable with Outstanding Customer Service New Training

“Definition of Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting the same results” - Albert Einstein.

Premier has many USP’s and resources and as the market leader you are mad not to be utilising them - when we look at resource we often think of these USPs, the hardware and tangible things that we can share, use and send to our customers but we don’t always look at ourselves our staff as the most valuable resource to driving business growth.

In this session we explore simple strategies and theories to ensure you are first maximising your own expertise, starting with your key vision - you will discover strategies to implement to start creating FANS instead of CUSTOMERS with every stakeholder of your business - you may also learn something about yourself that you never knew before!

Watch Now

Book Now - Premier Arts Core Sales Training!

Tuesday 1st May 2018 | 9:30am – 4:30pm | £30 + VAT

All attendees will receive complimentary Premier Arts sales packs to take away!

You have over £1.3million of ringfenced funding per territory... How much can be spent with you?

A 1-day training event designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of Premier Arts to really kick start your sales. Some of the key areas we will be covering are:

  • Sales - NEW sales packs
  • Recruitment
  • Drama and the curriculum
  • Marketing

Book Now

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