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Friday 6th April 2018

Welcome to your Weekly Roundup featuring articles from across Premier.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

Easter Camps Resources

With Easter in full swing, it’s time to download our Hop into Spring and Spring into Action camp resources! Click the buttons below to download.

Dance - Hop Into Spring

Dance - Spring Into Action

Drama - Hop Into Spring

Drama - Spring Into Action

Sport - Hop Into Spring

Sport - Spring Into Action

Free Camps Print Outs...

W’ve also made some fun new downloads... children can try their hand at decorating our Easter egg template, or bunny mask! We’d love to see their creations... parents can post them on our Facebook page @PremierActivatefor their chance to WIN a Premier goody bag!

Book Now - Premier Arts Core Sales Training!

Tuesday 1st May 2018 | 9:30am – 4:30pm | £30 + VAT

All attendees will receive complimentary Premier Arts sales packs to take away!

You have over £1.3million of ringfenced funding per territory... How much can be spent with you?

A 1-day training event designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of Premier Arts to really kick start your sales. Some of the key areas we will be covering are:

  • Sales - NEW sales packs
  • Recruitment
  • Drama and the curriculum
  • Marketing

Book Now

Jab, Jab, Jab, Hook...

Do you remember back at the NTE when we advised you all about how to keep in touch with your schools and help them rather than just sell to them?

Well, take a look at this website to see an opportunity that allows you to do just that.

Simply providing your schools with support and advice on the funding they can apply for, and offering support through Start Active sessions can be invaluable to them.

Schools can apply for this fund, they can then buy you in to deliver Start Active sessions, the benefits of which I’m sure you know (and if you don’t take a look at the Premier Sport Product Operations Manual on the BMS). From improving attendance / punctuality, promoting healthy lifestyles and good habits to improved ability to communicate appropriately and effectively with others, there is so much to shout about!

Share this with your schools now and you’ll be one step ahead of the rest.

Our Next National Awareness Campaign – How You Can Get Involved!

We’re giving away our Active Families Pack FREE of charge to celebrate World Health Day on April 7th!

The Active Families Pack went out in the parent newsletter on 5th March, and we’re also planning on sending a comm to all parents on 7th April based solely around the pack, and how parents can use it for their families; encouraging them to engage on social media.

We’re also giving parents the opportunity to nominate their child’s school for a FREE Wellbeing session, in areas Premier Wellbeing operates in – giving you new opportunities to get in contact with inactive schools, or schools that haven’t taken up Premier Wellbeing yet.

How can you get involved at a local level?

Simple - spread the word on social! Use the social media image in the download pack below and share along with the link to the Active Families link: http://admin.premiersport.org/marketing/pdf/active-families-pack.pdf and this text:

“To celebrate World Health Day, we’re giving away our Active Families Pack for FREE! Simply download on the link below, and share your completed activity trackers on our Facebook page at the end of the month for your chance to win our prize draw!”

We’ve also provided a 2nd social image, which you can use to promote the free Fun-Trition session – simply use this image, along with the text:

“Happy World Health Day! Nominate your child’s school for a FREE Wellbeing session! Comment the name of your child’s school below, and we’ll contact them...”

All Fun-Trition session leads received from the email campaign will be sent to you and we’ve also provided you with an email template to send to the schools that are nominated for the free session, to help you make the initial contact with.

Download Resource Pack

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