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Friday 13th April 2018

Welcome to your Weekly Roundup featuring articles from across Premier.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

Golden Mile Relay Competition WINNERS...

Thanks to everyone who took part in our recent Golden Mile Relay – we hope you all had a fantastic day, packed full of sporting fun!

We are delighted to announce the winners of our competitions running for the franchisees/schools that took part...

The winner of the Franchisee prize (£250 worth of New Balance kit) is...

Tim Mills

Tim did an absolutely fantastic job, signing up 8 schools for The Golden Mile Relay. To top it off, he went completely above and beyond the line, taking part in the relay himself - running with each school that took part. We also loved all the photos and videos posted on the day. A well-deserved winner!

The winner of our schools prize (ambassador visit) is...

Ormesby Village Infants School in Great Yarmouth (Danny Boswell’s territory)!

The ambassador visit for the inactive school could be a great opportunity to get the school on board with other Premier services.

Just a reminder for everyone to pay any donations in to the Just Giving page, and thanks to those who have already donated!

Thanks everyone, and hope you all had a great time getting active for the #GMRelay!

Highlights from Rockwood Academy...

Premier’s Chairman, Duncan Goodhew MBE, attended Rockwood Academy on Sport Relief to launch their Golden Mile Relay, and to reward them for taking part in the Guinness World Record for the Largest Fencing Lesson last year. Check out the highlights below...

Book Now - Premier Arts Core Sales Training!

Tuesday 1st May 2018 | 9:30am – 4:30pm | £30 + VAT

All attendees will receive complimentary Premier Arts sales packs to take away!

You have over £1.3million of ringfenced funding per territory... How much can be spent with you?

A 1-day training event designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of Premier Arts to really kick start your sales. Some of the key areas we will be covering are:

  • Sales - NEW sales packs
  • Recruitment
  • Drama and the curriculum
  • Marketing

Book Now

Download your Whitsun social graphics today!

To help better support you in promoting Whitsun Camps across your social media platforms, we have created some handy graphics that you can use to accompany your promotional Camp posts!

The graphics vary from raising general awareness of your camps to some testimonial templates and encouraging parents to sign their little one up before the early bird discount expires!

Download the resources below...

Download Now

HQ Staff Update

Today is Emma Seaman’s last day as HR & Culture manager with us and we will all miss her greatly. During her tenure Emma has done a fantastic job in driving HR processes and embedding our company culture into our ever-growing business.

We have appointed a new HR & Culture Manager Amy Burdett who joins us on May 14th, during the interim please refer to the below as point of contact.

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