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Friday 25th May 2018

Welcome to your Weekly Roundup featuring articles from across Premier.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

The School Improvement CQI survey!! – What’s in it for your business?

What’s in it for you?

  • We know that referrals are the most successful sales strategy so having an infographic of what your schools say about you is invaluable
  • All franchisees with 10 responses or a response rate of over 25% of active of schools in their territory will receive a FREE localised infographic off the back of the results
  • The National CQI survey will form part of the Business of the Year Awards criteria
  • Alongside their custom infographic you will receive step by step guidance on how to effectively market locally. Pushing this over social media as well as in meetings and correspondence with current, and potential new schools, will not only prove how valuable your provision is but will help build new business
  • The website is being developed – the best recommendation will be displayed which will add recognition and credibility to your business

This survey is to help YOU! You need customer feedback to commit to continual improvement. You cannot retain customers and sell if you don’t know how they feel. The feedback will help you to remain above the line, nurturing strong relationships through excellent communications and is an aid to working smarter not harder.

How can you do this?

We have provided you with some email templates to help you communicate to your schools but remember the personal touch always helps!

Download Email Templates

How can your APs help as a benefit to them and you?

Your Activity professionals are in schools on a day to day basis, they can get in front of your teachers to obtain this feedback – encourage them to help!!

The AP with the highest response rate and most positive feedback will be recognised at our AP NTEs so encourage your employees to go that extra mile. We will also be offering a prize for the best recommendation!

This feedback provides us with content to demonstrate our success which adds value to our offering and can be a useful sales tool for each of you in your local area


Take the Survey

Develop your business with Premier Arts

There’s over £1.3million of ring fenced funding available per territory... How much can be spent with you? Discover the strategies, benefits and programmes within the Premier Arts license and find how you can access the extra funding to use in Dance, Drama and more within your schools and increase revenue for your business!

The 1 day training event is designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of Premier Arts to really kick start your sales. Some of the key areas we will be covering are:

  • Sales - NEW sales packs
  • Recruitment
  • Drama and the curriculum
  • Marketing

Book Now

“This training is pivotal to the growth of your Premier Arts business, it will give you a clear sales strategy with NEW resources to use in your schools as well as recruitment and marketing support. Attending is a MUST!”

Frankie Worthington | Operations Director

Franchisee Marketing Webinars are BACK!

Following the previous success of our marketing webinars, we’re back for the Summer!

These webinars aim to give you insight into our national marketing campaigns, and how you can factor in local marketing around them. Plus, we’ll also give you some handy tips & tricks!

So, who’s first up?

Upskill Your Workforce with Freya Riseborough

Monday 4th June - 11:00am - 12:00pm

Freya will be talking your through the wealth of ways you can upskill your Activity Professionals – career progression, training opportunities, and much more. Plus, some recruitment marketing advice!

Here’s the link to join the GoTo meeting – pop it in your calendar!

What’s next?

Be Socially Savvy with Alice Mills

Monday 11th June - 10:00am - 11:00am

Here’s the link to join the GoTo meeting – pop it in your calendar!

The Premier Rebrand; One Year On with Will Baker

Date TBA

Assembling Your Active Army with Gemma Howell

Date TBA

Missed a previous newsletter? Check out our archive...

We thought you would find it useful to create a Weekly News Update archive housing previous newsletters from this academic year.

‘Read more’ to catch up on any news you may have missed.

Click here to read more

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