Dance is an expanding market in schools, with every high school required to deliver dance within their curriculum (with immediate effect.) It is already embedded into the primary school curriculum as a compulsory subject and it is the SECOND most procured service within primary schools across the UK.
Dance has broader opportunities now than ever before with more boys participating thanks to the likes of TV talent competitions and it is already the second most popular Physical Activity amongst young people, according to Youth Dance England.
Without effective and bespoke marketing and an offer like nothing else in the market place, YOU have already proved that dance is popular - imagine if all of it was made easy!!

Business Growth Mindset
As an easy staff retention tool and to leverage your time and income, entering into business WITH one of your existing (or another), dance coach is an excellent way to develop this business alongside your PS franchise.
Staff will be rewarded, driven and focussed on generating income for you instead of simply being where you tell them to be. They will drive your income and open opportunities in schools where you currently have none.
Up-selling the dance offer is easy to achieve thanks to the fantastic resources and schools will feel more comfortable spending their PESS premium on 'multiple'; providers - even ones you've introduced to them!
This is a perfect opportunity to LEAD a business, rather than manage one and you can concentrate on the strategy and impact without having to work in it daily.