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Welcome to the first #morethansport Premier Education Group newsletter. You may know of us through our Premier Sport Brand which continues to lead the market in delivering high quality PE and sport in schools.
I’m looking forward to sharing a selection of updates and news from across our network. We work in a dynamic and rewarding arena by inspiring children to become more active through PE, sport and more recently Performing Arts. I hope our newsletter will provide you with an insight into our world and hopefully it may inspire you to get involved.
If reading this newsletter motivates you to run your own business and have a positive impact on the lives of young people then please feel free to make contact.
Kind Regards,

Phil Gaffer
Business Development Director
Premier Education Group
Your very own Premier Sport business for a little as £5000 investment...
Vince Gordon has a true passion for sport and vast experience of working with young people. That’s why he was determined to realise his dream and own a Premier Sport business. With a £5000 investment and a little help from a government backed initiative, he’s now able inspire the next generation of sporting superstars in Kings Heath, Birmingham.
We caught up with Vince to ask him a few questions about how he first made contact with Premier Sport and the process of purchasing his business with only £5000 to invest.

Hear from Premier Sport’s Chief Executive, David Batch
Premier Sport expand their network with six new regional territories
September marked the end of another successful business year for Premier Education Group, with network growth across the group in a healthy position. Premier Sport, the UK’s largest children’s sports coaching company welcomes six new franchisees, taking their tally to 20 for the year and 100+ throughout the UK.

Apprenticeships a go, then a no, now all go go! #morethansport
After committing to the Premier Sport ACE programme, five students were left in limbo following the withdrawal of the educational partner. These young people were facing the possibility of no longer being involved with Premier Sport, and the need to look at other options after their GCSE’s.

National Coach & Training Development Officer rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted
Premier Sport’s National Coach and Training Development Officer, Andy Heald (pictured) unexpectedly covered a PE lesson and found himself being observed by Ofsted inspectors – the decision to go ahead with the PE lesson proved to be an ‘outstanding’ one by the Head Teacher.

An ‘Outstanding’ PE lesson says Ofsted Inspector
We’re proud to say our delivery of sport and physical activity reached record levels in the 2013-14 school year, bringing our total to 7.4 million visits for an hour of activity – that means even more young people than ever before are experiencing PE, extracurricular sport and physical activity through our innovative Inspire Programme.

‘Blame it on the Boogie’ dance show supports children’s cancer charity
Premier Performing Arts, Chesterfield held a ‘Blame it on the Boogie’ show with all proceeds on the day going to ‘Kids‘n’Cancer UK’ charity. The event was held at Speedwell Rooms in Staveley with 45 young dancers and parents proudly raising money for the charity.

Thousands of Children get active through Tees Valley Leisure and the Golden Mile Initiative
Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040
All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725