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Friday 3rd May 2013

weekly news update


...to this week's franchisee newsletter, following on from the Marketing edition last week. This week features the third instalment from Skills & Compliance Director, Steve Eastaugh.

If you have any questions about any items featured in this email please contact Steve directly.

Steve Eastaugh - Skills & Compliance Director
E: [email protected] | T: 01953 499043


Coach Assessment

Following March’s Assessment Core Training the new assessment observations templates are ready for use and are available in "Delivery" on the resources section. There is also a new document called "Observation Descriptors", which will help establish what you are looking for during extracurricular and holiday assessment.

  • Curricular Observation Template
  • Extra Curricular Observation Template
  • Holiday Camp Observation Template
  • Observation Descriptors

At present these can be printed and used between you and your staff. We are currently working on getting these integrated into the BMS to form the new Coach Assessment Process (CAP) which will replace the old Self Evaluation Form (SEF). We will of course keep you updated as this progresses.

BMS events without coaches

As you are all aware the finance department will now only process payments on events that have coaches attached to them.

We will assume that any events where coaches are not attached did not go ahead and after 10 working days money will be returned to the customer and or school.

This took effect from Friday 1st March 2013 and last week 18% of payments were not processed due to courses not having coaches attached to them. If you think that one of these course may relate to your franchisee and would like to resolve this issue then please contact Ashley Barlow.

Assessor Qualification

This May the PS delivery team will undergo assessor qualifications at Head Office in preparation for the delivery of new qualifications as a 1st 4 Sport Accredited Centre. Assessor qualifications will us to internally deliver and verify accredited training for the very first time.

Staff Identification

It is good practise to ensure your staff wear their ID badges when delivering at all times. It allows everyone to instantly know who they are, puts teachers and parents at ease and is a USP over your competitors.

Premier Sport Training Academy | Shropham | NR17 1EJ | 01953 499040 | [email protected]

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