Last week we sent out some vital information relating to Ofsted and the sport premium funding, including examples of effective use of PE and sport and how they will inspect primary school PE and sport.
This places huge emphasis and importance of delivering a high quality service which measures impact and progress. This WILL determine whether or not schools continue to work with external providers!
Ofsted will assess:
- Impact of additional funding on improving the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision.
- Use evidence from observations of lessons and/or extracurricular sports clubs and discussions with pupils.
This guidance document can be found on the general resource section under 'Inspire Programme - Impact' along with other supporting resources.
Are you measuring impact?
Get together within your networks and ensure you are. The future is incredibly prosperous for us all if we get this right.
Here's what Yvonne Gandy had to say about it:
"This makes it clear not only will inspectors be looking at curriculum delivery they will also be looking at the impact of coaches being paid for by sport premium."