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Friday 20th September 2013

weekly news update


...to this week's franchisee newsletter, following on from the Marketing edition last week. This week features the latest instalment from Operations Director, Danny Melling.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this newsletter please contact:

Danny Melling - Operations Director
E: [email protected] | T: 07920 008420


A successful year!

Last financial year was another hugely successful one for the network, the year ahead promises to be better still! Here are some really promising statistics from 1st Sep 2012 - 31st Aug 2013:

  • Combined growth of sessions & revenue for franchisees.
  • Year 2 franchisees with a combined growth of 70% in extra curricular sessions.
  • Year 3 franchisees with a staggering 136% growth in curriculum time delivery and a massive 145% increase in curriculum time revenue.
  • Franchisees in the 5th year and beyond continued to grow their businesses with a combined increase of 9% curricular sessions, 11% extracurricular and 6% holidays which in turn led to a revenue growth of 14% curriculum, 11% parent funded clubs, 23% school funded clubs and 25% holiday clubs.

It's never too late to stop growing! Those in the earlier years of the business can take a great deal of comfort from the fact that schools tend to be spending more money out of their budgets where relationships and trust have been established.

Franchisees in their 3rd year on average are charging £155 per day for curriculum with the average net income for extracurricular events being £36 per session.

Do you know your own growth & performance?

If not, how can you gauge how successful you have been and in which areas of the business you need to concentrate? Don't guess, do your homework!

Holiday stats on the increase!

The network statistics reported that holiday course performance throughout the UK has improved this year.

  • We can report an increase of 23% in attendance on holiday courses.
  • 14% more individual children attending.
  • Increase of 27% on average daily income.

Although we saw an increase of 6% on the average spend per child we believe this can still be much higher (£32 per child). What are you doing to encourage children to WANT to come back to your courses?

Historically, statistics show that the October half term is one of the best holiday periods for income and attendance. This year we have a 'halloween' themed course and leaflet as well as the generic literature. Halloween themed session ideas and guidance will be distributed over the coming weeks but you should be advertising now!

The holiday period is pivotal to the success of your business. Making a profit in this area really does help to push your business to the next level.

Annual accounts

August 31st was the year end for all franchisees and Premier Sport. In order for us to be able to fully support you and your business, it's important that you meet the submission deadline and send your annual accounts into Julie Hall before Friday 29th November 2013.

You should've already submitted all relevant paperwork to your accountant, if you have not yet done so please make this a priority. Last year AMS had an influx of late submissions which created a 'bottle neck' with a number of franchisees missing the deadline.

Impact & progress – Ofsted's view

Last week we sent out some vital information relating to Ofsted and the sport premium funding, including examples of effective use of PE and sport and how they will inspect primary school PE and sport.

This places huge emphasis and importance of delivering a high quality service which measures impact and progress. This WILL determine whether or not schools continue to work with external providers!

Ofsted will assess:

  • Impact of additional funding on improving the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision.
  • Use evidence from observations of lessons and/or extracurricular sports clubs and discussions with pupils.

This guidance document can be found on the general resource section under 'Inspire Programme - Impact' along with other supporting resources.

Are you measuring impact?

Get together within your networks and ensure you are. The future is incredibly prosperous for us all if we get this right.

Here's what Yvonne Gandy had to say about it:

"This makes it clear not only will inspectors be looking at curriculum delivery they will also be looking at the impact of coaches being paid for by sport premium."

Premier Sport Training Academy | Shropham | NR17 1EJ | 01953 499040 | [email protected]

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