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Friday 6th May 2016


...to your weekly news update, featuring articles from across Premier Education Group.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

Our Core Values...

#1: Be happy, have fun and give joy

Our £15,000 Investment into your Businesses!

As highlighted at this week’s 100 Club event at the Olympic Park, we want all our Franchisees to be running million pound businesses, which we know you can all do. To support you to achieve this, we’re investing £15,000 back into your businesses to generate leads and gain new customers at a time when schools are looking to invest for next year.

You should have all now been invited to take part in the superb opportunity to get your share of the £15,000 of funding we’re investing in you. Working with our strategic partners and lead generators TIME Associates, we’re funding over 350 sales appointments on your behalf.

Glenn Hoy of TIME Associates explains how he, Danny Melling and the central Marketing team have developed this new support programme:

“This investment from PEG is to help you grow your business at a time when there has never been more interest from schools wanting to meet with you and is ‘evidence’ based, so with your commitment, outstanding results are ready and waiting for you.”

This sales and marketing campaign is being driven using the Premier Sport, ‘Road to Rio’ programme and is perfect timing for meetings this term. Any tendency for hesitation (towards September) should be avoided for lots of reasons, primarily because the level of interest in our product offerings across the board has been phenomenal.

Schools want to meet you now...

Click here to read more

Our Core Values...

#2: Create wonderfully enjoyable experiences

Introducing the NEW ‘Going for Gold’ Incentive Scheme

At the last ever 100 Club event this week we was delighted to launch our brand new incentive scheme – Going for Gold! Danny Melling explained the rationale behind the decision which has been driven by franchisees ‘Raising the bar’.

There were 90 people in attendance at the event and all were challenged with the following outcomes:

  • Quality – remember why we do what we do
  • Have a positive, growth mindset
  • Take massive action

The massive action goal is to build a £1Million Premier Education Group business within the next 3 years. The Going for Gold incentives will be tailored to support franchisees to continue growth and build well structured teams, customer base and profits.

View poster Click here to read more

Our Core Values...

#3: Deliver “wow” with every interaction

Nurture Strong Relationships Through Excellent Communication

This week we’re looking at Core Value #7 “Nurture strong relationships through excellent communication”.

Communication is key to maintaining your relationships, both in your personal and work life – society simply couldn’t function without communication. Communication is a natural form of interacting with another person – dolphins “click” at each other, birds sing, and humans speak. However, great communication takes far more than just speaking to someone...


Listening is one of the most important traits of excellent communication. The person you are communicating with will notice if you are not listening to them, even if you appear to be. Take in the information they are giving you, and respond, taking their opinion on board. Don’t force your ideas on others – there’s a big difference between being opinionated and rude.

Get to the point...

Click here to read more

Our Core Values...

#4: Commit to continual improvement

New Apprenticeships Exceed All Expectations

When we launched our new partnership with Creative Sport & Leisure (CSL) as national apprenticeship provider back in August 2015, we could never imagine the impact it would have on the network.

Based on previous years, the ambitious target of 50 apprentices was set and surpassed in the first two months. Entering the final term of the year we are just shy of 100 apprentices in learning, across the network.

In the coming months, we will be following some of their career journeys as they report on their progress with Premier.

If you are interested in recruiting an apprentice for your business, follow this link

Our Core Values...

#5: Build a positive team and family spirit

Don’t Have Time to Run your Facebook & Twitter Pages? We Have a Solution

We’ve recently conducted a full review of all your Facebook pages. Following this review, we have identified a handful of Facebook pages as being inactive (haven’t posted anything in the last few months).

If you cannot facilitate the daily management of social media within your current business structure, we do offer an excellent Social Media Management package that is great value for money – View the package here.

We will be hiding any pages from public view that continue not to post regular updates, as stated in our social media guidelines document.

Our Core Values...

#6: Be adventurous, creative and open-minded

150 Potential Customers & Counting...

Following the launch of this summer’s 10,000 free ‘Inspire to Engage’ places, we’ve had over 150 parents register in just over seven days. This provides you with a great opportunity to convert these into paying customers.

The summer campaign is backed by Chris ‘Kammy’ Kamara and was launched at franchisee; Michael Johnson’s (pictured) Sandringham Primary School.

We got loads of great pictures and some awesome footage including interviews with Kammy, Michael, parents and the children. Check them out below.

Watch the Video Pictures

Our Core Values...

#7: Nurture strong relationships through excellent communication

Ricky Joins the Finance Team

This week we welcome Ricky Goddard to the finance team.

Ricky joins us a Finance Assistant and will support in all aspects of finance working alongside Courtney.

Feel free to drop Ricky an email to introduce yourself.

Our Core Values...

#8: Work smarter not harder

VIDEO Are you Irreplaceable? Find out how Danny Saved £30k...

Following on from Andy’s ‘Irreplaceable’ video, this video from Danny Melling is a brilliant case study of being ‘Irreplaceable’ to schools.

Do you have formal review meetings every term?

Click here to read more

Our Core Values...

#9: Remain above the line at all times

DfE Announces New Grant for the Provision of PE and School Sport for Pupils with SEND

On Thursday 21st April the Department for Education announced a new Grant for the provision of PE and school sport for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The successful bid will deliver a new programme to increase engagement and improve sports provision.

The closing date for grand applications is 2 p.m. on 09th May 2016.

Bids are expected to be for no more than £300,000 and should be for additional activity and not substitute for existing, non-DfE, funding sources.

To see the full Government release - please click here.

Our Core Values...

#10: Be outstanding and passionate in everything we do

Scheduled GoToMeetings...

Danny Melling - ‘Going for Gold’ Incentive Scheme, Monday 10am

Monday’s ‘Operations’ GoToMeeting will be from 10am - 11am. Danny will introduce the new ‘Going for Gold’ incentive scheme and how you can qualify.

If you want to add any points to the meeting agenda, please email these over to Operations Director, Danny Melling before Monday’s session.

Login details –

  1. To join the meeting, go to - https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/250214829
  2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.
    Dial +44 (0) 20 3713 5010
    Access Code: 250-214-829
    Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
    Meeting ID: 250-214-829

Frankie Worthington - Proposal Doc Creates Sales BOOM! - Wednesday’s 08.30am

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been measuring the impact of the new Premier Performing Arts sales proposal and the results have been breathtaking. By utilising an education consultancy approach, licensees are maximising the opportunities within each school. In fact, one licensee has generated a whopping £17k of PPA business in just one school.

By using this document in existing schools, we have added at least two events for this school year, including holiday courses and enrichment weeks.

Want to find out more? Make sure you join the PPA Q&A session next Wednesday at 8.30am.

To join, just follow the link below...


Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +44 (0) 330 221 0098
Access Code: 131-704-821
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 131-704-821

Andy Heald - ‘Monthly Q&A sessions’ - Dates Below...

A regular ‘Delivery’ Q&A GoToMeeting with our National Quality Development Manager, Andy Heald.

Andy Heald will take any questions / queries / guidance he receives via email to form the agenda points in these sessions. The chances are, other franchisees / Activity Professionals will benefit from your question being answered.

Hit the button below and you’ll be given the option to secure your place on the following session/s -

Wed 11 May | Tues 7 Jun | Wed 6 Jul

Register Now

Upcoming Training Opportunities...

British Gymnastics Course for Teachers - Intermediate Level

Date: Tuesday 31st May
Venue: Derby (venue TBC)
Time: 9.00 – 16.30
No Lunch Provided

Book Now

Missed a previous newsletter? Check out our archive...

We thought you would find it useful to create a Weekly News Update archive housing previous newsletters from this academic year.

‘Read more’ to catch up on any news you may have missed.

Click here to read more

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Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040

All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725

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