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Friday 4th July 2014


...to your weekly news update, featuring articles from across the Premier Education Group.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

Well done Raakhee Morrison

Our congratulations go to Raakhee Morrison who learned this week that she has secured a 3 year deal worth £1120 + per week. The contract which starts in September with Holywell Primary school includes physical education sessions and fifteen extra-curricular clubs which include lunch supervision.

Well done to Raakhee and her team.

Are you OFSTED ready?

We have been reinforcing the importance of ‘Impact’ and measuring data for the last 18 months. At this crucial time of the year when contracts are being renewed, some franchisees have either lost contracts or had a limited ‘defence case’ as to why schools can’t afford not to have them! In contrast, those franchisees who have measured data and proved impact have secured additional work and longer term contracts! It’s really down to you to have these in place. Ask yourself again – am I OFSTED ready?

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The School Portal... a unique selling point

Whenever you need to reinforce or sell why we are the leader in the industry keep in mind our unique selling points. This is especially important when your service is similar to those around you. Unless you can communicate what makes your business unique in comparison to your competitors the less chances you have of increasing sales.

Click here to read more

Blow the whistle on Sunburn!

Premier Sport is supporting the Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code. Thanks to this new initiative which is backed by Julia Bradbury and partnered with AfPE, Sports Coach UK and Youth Sports Trust, all children who take part in organised outdoor activity stand a better chance of escaping the harmful effects of sunburn.

Click here to read more

Introducing the success of Premier Performing Arts in and around Basingstoke!

North Hampshire’s Dance Director Faye Cottrell has recently worked with six local primary schools including Oakridge Junior School. After the stress of KS2 SATS, year 6 of Oakridge Juniors enjoyed a dance treat, learning a five-minute mash-up of various MJ tracks.

The class teacher stated that the class delivered by the Activity Professional was fantastic for the children and it built up good relationships very quickly. I would highly recommend Premier Performing Arts. We had a fantastic time all around and many skills were learnt!' Also the children commented on how much fun the session was and asked if they could do the session on a weekly basis...

Click here to read more

Have you joined Capre?

Capre are delighted to launch their brand new Member Benefits package! See what great deals are now on offer.

By August 2015, all Premier Sport Activity Professionals will be required to join the register to comply with communication from Capre to your schools regarding 'recognised good practice.’

The Register of Children’s Activity Professionals (Capre) is a new independent register for individuals working in the children’s physical activity industry. Capre is the equivalent to The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) in the fitness industry.

Click here to read more

Activity Professional Assessment Training – book your place now!

The assessment of Activity Professionals is paramount in ensuring quality and providing accurate CPD to staff. The course will enable participants to assess ActPros competently and confidently in a school or community environment. Covering organisational best practice, the assessment of planning and delivery, following the assessment framework, how to feedback and recommending CPD. 

Training will be running throughout the UK over the next few months. Find out more or to book a place...

Click here to read more

Online Shop

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