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Friday 10th April 2015
...to your weekly news update, featuring articles from across Premier Education Group.
For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]
New stats show schools and parents are spending more - happy days!
We’re very pleased to report that the average spend per school is UP 14% from the same period last year and you’re also working with 14% MORE schools across the network against the same period last year.
If that’s not enough, we have some more very encouraging network stats to report below -
Extracurricular -
- Revenue generated is UP by 30% against the same period last year.
- Franchisees in their first 24 months of trading have delivered 43% MORE clubs than the same period last year, resulting in a revenue increase of 74%.
Holiday -
- The average price per day is £1.65 more than last month and that’s 4% higher than last year.
- The average attendance is 4% higher than last year.
- Holiday course revenue is up by 56% based on the same period last year.
We’ll bring you some PE statistics in the next couple of weeks.
Keep up the great work!
Did you know?

We continue to invest £5000 per franchisee to supply YOU with regular network meetings. This includes the hiring of venues, refreshment cost, preparation / creation of materials by our head office team / Champions, system upgrades based on your feedback and follow up support.
10% OFF our new bundle packages
We’re pleased to launch two new and exciting ranges to help you promote your business.
- Premier Sport and Inspire to Engage ‘must have’ bundle packages – save up to 10%
- Inspire to Engage session plans and planners – over 50 available
You can also purchase a number of items in our 50% OFF sale.

Did you know?

The new eLearning platform is live giving YOU access to a suite of learning opportunities including, Safeguarding and Protecting Children & Vulnerable People. To date, over 120 people have completed the course.
1st4Sport PESS L2 qualification - have you completed your pack?
To date, 82 learners have attended the 1st4Sport PESS L2 qualification since the launch in November 2013, but ONLY 15 of these have successfully completed, passed and gained the certification.
Did you know? Learners must complete their packs, within 18 months of attending the initial course.
To complete the pack, four Assessments will need to be completed in total:
- 1 x completed on the course
- 2 x by a peer or teacher
- 1 x CAVA assessor
If you or a member of your team needs to be signed off, please contact Mel Jackson who will arrange for an assessor to visit and complete the final assessment.

Did you know?

This week, the Finance Team completed and passed our quarterly compliance check for PCI (Payment Card Industry). Passing the compliance check demonstrates that we have the correct process in place to deal with card payments.
Order your bespoke Whitsun leaflets by 5pm next Thursday...
You have until 5pm next Thursday 16th to place your order for bespoke ‘Inspire to Engage’ literature.
The leaflet is A4, printed in full colour on both sides. It can remain flat or folded, depending on your preference.
All you need to do it visit the online shop to place your order.

Did you know?

The Marketing and Skills & Compliance team continued enhancement work on the BMS and Schools Portal based on YOUR feedback. A sophisticated dashboard displaying a number of key reporting elements will be available for YOU and YOUR schools soon.
We’re the preferred delivery partner for Premier Foundation
Great news - we’ve been chosen as Premier Foundation’s preferred delivery partner as a result of our scale, viability and quality of our business.
Premier Foundation is an independent registered national charity (Reg No. 1159095) founded in 2014 by Premier Education Group and was formed as part of our corporate responsibility agenda. The charity is seen as a continuation of our successful community work across the UK.
Premier Foundation delivers against several objectives; one of the organisations main aims is to combat obesity in children and young people, which we all know is becoming an urgent and pressing concern in today’s society.

Did you know?

Premier Performing Arts holiday courses are up by 80% this Easter compared to 2014. This is a real indication the brand is growing from strength to strength. Well done guys...
BMS UPGRADE - ‘Gender’ option NOW LIVE on ‘Attendance’ page of BMS
There is now an option to enter the gender of every child that attends your courses. This is now live on the BMS and can be found on the ‘attendance’ page.
Please ensure you select a gender forevery child that attends your sessions/courses in the future.
Why have we done this?
Determining the gender of a child will be a crucial part of the reporting functionality soon to be available on the BMS. For example, this will allow you to compare how boys are performing compared to girls, see what activities girls prefer to attend and so on.
The more data you can input into the BMS, the greater evidence and reporting you can provide your head teachers with.
Did you know?

The Golden Mile has seen 17.5k NEW children register since the start of THIS school year, that’s a 13% increase compared to the previous year.
Can YOU implement and support your Golden Mile strategic plan ready for the new school year?
- Do you have a strategic plan?
- Do you have the correct structure to maximise a Golden opportunity in September?
- Do you have ALL your staff fully trained so you can utilise them efficiently to support your planning?
The summer term is imminent so now is the perfect time to put everything in to place before the new school year, at a time and place that suits YOU!!!

Calling all Performing Arts licensees – put your head teachers in lights!
We’re in the process of creating a range of sparkling new Performing Arts literature to support YOU and YOUR business growth.
To help you do this, we’re looking to get a number of endorsements from your head teachers so we can include these on the new materials.
Please can you email Frankie with your endorsements before Friday 1st May.
Help Courtney resolve your finance queries quicker...
We’ve recently had a number of franchisees calling Courtney chasing payments because schools are saying they have paid an invoice. Before we can reconcile your payment, we require the following information from you -
- Method of payment (BACS or Cheque)
- Total payment
- Date payment was made
The most common outcome is schools have passed invoices onto the local council to pay and therefore payment is taking longer to reach us, meaning longer to reconcile.
This is also a great opportunity to remind your schools that our preferred payment method is BACS and all remittance advices should be sent to [email protected]
Become the information king in your business!
“Information is king” says Glenn Hoy of TIME Associates as he explains, “when trying to engage with a new school it’s vitally important that you communicate the right information to the right people, and by that I mean knowing the names of the key contacts at your target schools. Such as the head teacher, Business Manager, PE Coordinator etc.
That way you can tailor your contacts for maximum impact and when calling them, you have another reason to overcome the barriers set by The Gatekeeper. Always remember, information is king!”

Over 50 NEW Session Plans and Camp Planners...
We have over 50 Inspire to Engage Session Plans and two Camp Planners designed by Andy Heald available to purchase via the online shop.
All of the new Session Plans are available in the bundle packages or can be ordered separately.

Don’t forget your Camp Returns following YOUR Easter courses
Don’t forget to submit your camp return form once your Easter courses have finished, any payments have been accounted for and uploaded onto the BMS.
Please email your form to Courtney so we can reconcile to the BMS and release any payment.
Missed a previous newsletter? Check out our archive...
We thought you would find it useful to create a Weekly News Update archive housing previous newsletters from this academic year.
‘Read more’ to catch up on any news you may have missed.

Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040
All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725