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Friday 15th January 2016
...to your weekly news update, featuring articles from across Premier Education Group.
For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]
It’s School Budget Season - Time To Sell
The spring term is the best time of year to generate new business as school leaders are reviewing provision and spend for the following academic year. Not selling during this time will have a catastrophic affect on your business. If you don’t take these opportunities, your competition will!
Are you implementing a thorough sales strategy and ensuring you have the capacity to get out there to meet schools and sell? More importantly, do you have qualified Activity Professionals ready to be deployed? New sales won’t come to you....
The network experienced very impressive growth during the autumn term as the stats in the “Read More” section suggest. If you believe you have the opportunity to grow your business you are correct. You just need to get out there and make it happen!

Our Core Values...
#1: Be happy, have fun and give joy
National Training Event Invitation - Book Now #NTE16
We’ve already had well over 50% of the network confirm attendance to this year’s #NTE16.
It’s mandatory for business owners to attend at a cost of £250 per person. However, as we are committed to the success of your business, we’re giving you two places for FREE if you complete your reservation by 5pm on Monday 1st February 2016.
If you haven’t already responded to the invitation you received last Friday, follow this link now.
Our Core Values...
#2: Create wonderfully enjoyable experiences
Demonstrating Impact - Act Now
As the top article suggests, schools will now begin preparing for the new academic year so you must be prepared to provide impact and evidence so that they can present this to governors (who ultimately decide on the school budgets).
If a governor was presented with evidence and impressive impact via the School Portal, you will have a much greater chance of contract renewal and upselling, which is a crucial part of any growth plan. New business is fantastic but if it’s only replacing work you’ve lost, you’ll never grow!
Make your Activity Professionals accountable for their school impact reports and act now! Once you’ve secured your existing contracts, you’ll know that every additional event is growth from next year.
Don’t leave your renewal meetings until the summer, your competitors won’t! Set yourself and the team a target - Can you have all school renewals and SLAs signed by Easter?
Our Core Values...
#3: Deliver “wow” with every interaction
2016 - Already Worth Its Weight In Gold!
The Golden Mile gained huge traction in 2015 with licensees gaining access to Headteachers on a mass scale. We’ve since We’ve seen The Golden Mile transform a number of franchisees’ businesses because of this unprecedented access to Headteachers, saving massive amounts of time, money and resources in the process. This level of access has previously taken years but licensees are now creating this impact in just two meetings!
There’s certainly no sign of this changing for licensees in 2016, given the number of incredible success stories hitting our WhatsApp. As a network, we’re now engaging with more stakeholders than ever before, from Local Authorities, MP’s, Clusters, County Sport Partnerships and Public Health.
Following the national coverage of the ‘Daily Mile’ at Sterling Primary School in Scotland, stakeholders across the UK are actively looking to replicate this success, meaning there is huge opportunity for our licensees with our Golden Mile initiative.
Our Core Values...
#4: Commit to continual improvement
Make Arts Award Your New Year’s Resolution
With six months of special profiling opportunities, competitions and birthday-themed activities still to come, 2016 is the perfect time to get started with a new Arts Award project.
It’s really straight forward to link your project to our birthday celebrations and can be done in three simple steps:
- Pledge your centre’s support and help the Arts Award reach 250k awards achieved since the start of Arts Award by this summer.
- Encourage young people to sign up for the 10-month challenge. All awards completed in the six months’ count.
- Tell Arts Award about your plans using the ArtsAward10 story questionnaire for special showcasing opportunities, and share your progress and achievements on social media using the hashtag #ArtsAward10.
To find out more about how to get involved visit www.artsaward.org.uk or contact Premier Performing Arts Creative Director, Frankie Worthington.
Our Core Values...
#5: Build a positive team and family spirit
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
Three of our new starters from September have already achieved great success in forging relationships with key stakeholders within their territories. This success includes, gaining access 40 headteachers from one meeting and being selected as the primary council deliverer.
“These fantastic results didn’t just fall into their laps”, commented Golden Mile Director Karl Fox.
Karl continued; “They’ve been pro-active in sending numerous emails, make phone calls and letters with a number of knock-backs along the way. They stuck at it, didn’t get deterred and have therefore achieved great things in just one term!
We work in an industry where communication is not always immediate and barriers have to be broken down, so persistence is paramount. Akin Akinbobola (video) is a fine example of being relentless in his pursuit to break down these barriers to entry”.
Our Core Values...
#6: Be adventurous, creative and open-minded
School Newsletter – January 2016
The first Schools Newsletter of 2016 was distributed to your active schools this week. To ensure this newsletter reached your headteachers and PE Coordinators, why not copy the following link and email it to them, including a personalised message from you and your team -
We’ve also distributed an amended version of the newsletter to the inactive schools in your territory as well as schools outside of your territory.
Our Core Values...
#7: Nurture strong relationships through excellent communication
Landing Pages SOLD OUT - Order Now For Next Month
We’re currently in the process of building a number of personalised Landing Pages (see example) for franchisees.
Availability of Landing Pages is now SOLD OUT in January but you can now place your order on the shop to ensure yours for February. Landing Pages are offered on a first come, first served basis.
To help support your decision to invest in a personalised Landing Page for your business, we’ve created a helpful guide below, demonstrating the value and return on your investment.
Our Core Values...
#8: Work smarter not harder
Sporting Future - A New Strategy for an Active Nation
Department for Culture, Media & Sport and Tracey Crouch MP (Secretary of State for Sport, Tourism and Heritage) released; A New Strategy for an Active Nation, in late December.
This cross-government strategy will tackle head on the flatlining levels of sport participation and high levels of inactivity in this country. Through this strategy, government is redefining what success in sport means, with a new focus on five key outcomes: physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, individual development, social and community development and economic development. In future, funding decisions will be made on the basis of the outcomes that sport and physical activity can deliver.

Our Core Values...
#9: Remain above the line at all times
Setting High Expectations - New Year, New Challenges
We’ve now had a full term and should have a good understanding of the schools we work in and the standards all the children are performing at. It’s essential that we have a clear understanding on how we now reenergise all the schools and children and start setting high expectations and measuring impact of the work we’re doing.

Our Core Values...
#10: Be outstanding and passionate in everything we do
Scheduled GoToMeetings...
Andy Heald - Setting High Expectations - Wed 20th Jan, 08:30am
With a change to previously advertised, Andy Heald’s monthly GoToMeeting will take place next Wednesday 20th January at 08:30am to 09:30am.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.

Andy Heald - ‘Delivery’ Q&A sessions - Dates Below...
A regular ‘Delivery’ Q&A GoToMeeting with our National Quality Development Manager, Andy Heald.
Andy Heald will take any questions / queries / guidance he receives via email to form the agenda points in these sessions. The chances are, other franchisees/Activity Professionals with benefit from your question being answered.
Hit the button below and you’ll be given the option to secure your place on the following session/s -
Wed 27 Jan | Tue 16 Feb | Wed 16 Mar | Tue 5 Apr | Wed 11 May | Tues 7 Jun | Wed 6 Jul

Missed a previous newsletter? Check out our archive...
We thought you would find it useful to create a Weekly News Update archive housing previous newsletters from this academic year.
‘Read more’ to catch up on any news you may have missed.

Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040
All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725