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Don’t miss out on this free resource...

Here at the Premier Education Group we have created another e-book for you to use. You may wish to share with teachers, Governors and parents to highlight the importance of physical activity on the lives of children.

The purpose of this e-book is to challenge thought and to ensure you can maximize the impact PE and School Sport can have on all areas of child development, none more so than mental well being.

Through this e-book you can watch interviews from Yvonne Gandy, strategic lead for physical education and school sport, who discusses the positive impact role models can have, and how the body is for life and should be nurtured accordingly. You will learn the benefits of physical literacy, how to achieve these, and the BEST bit… it doesn’t cost a single penny to implement!

With healthy and active children achieving better academically, PE and school sport should be used to enrich curriculum. Finally, there are a couple of gifts in there for you too;

  1. A poster to use on display boards and link to British Values themed activities.
  2. A healthy taster day worth up to £200 - for free!

To help you understand more about where this can support your overall school improvement plan, NOT just sport!

Take a look at the e-book via the link below, we hope you like it and can use it to inspire ALL of your children and families – feel free to share it in your newsletter.

Download the eBook
