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Welcome to the new monthly Premier Education Group newsletter. We've pulled together some highlights just for you.
‘Outstanding’ says Ofsted
Congratulations to High Bank School in Liversedge whose recent PE lesson was judged to be ‘Outstanding’.
Head teacher, Karen Summers was thrilled that the pupils have access to high quality PE & sport and comments.
“One of the Ofsted criteria for Sports Premium funding is to hire qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers when teaching PE. Premier Sport have been supporting High Bank JI&N over recent weeks to improve the quality of sports coaching within the school. |
“During a recent Ofsted the quality of teaching for a PE lesson delivered by Lee Ryan was judged to be ‘Outstanding’ which has significantly helped the school to demonstrate a significant improvement in the teaching of PE within the school curriculum”
If your school wasn’t one of the 17,159 hours of PE we delivered in schools last month then please do contact us for more information on how we can support your school. |

We will fund Physical Activity in your school

We are continuing our support of schools in 2014 by re-opening the Match Funding opportunity for you to access the Golden Mile.

Living the dancing dream with Premier Performing Arts
We’d like to welcome and introduce you to Emma Robson who has recently joined our team of dance professionals. Emma will be providing a comprehensive curriculum and OSHL programme to schools in and around the Chesterfield area.
Emma’s goal is shared by all of our dance instructors - to provide schools access to high quality dance & performing arts for all ages and abilities.
“Whether it’s dancing, singing or playing an instrument, making new friends, the thrill of a performance or perfecting a tricky move... my team of dance instructors want to give every child the opportunity in performing arts.” comments Emma.

START the day the Premier Sport way
We’ve long been advocates of a healthy dose of physical activity before the start of the school day and it seems teachers agree!
80% of schools said; “Premier Sport before school clubs helped to improve children’s attendance at school.”
Our START Active breakfast clubs are a proving to be a real energiser for children first thing in the morning and we’ve seen a significant increase in the delivery of these clubs on last term alone. |

Evidencing and impact
With the continuing requirements of Ofsted to evidence the impact of your school sport and PE, we’d like to remind you that our ‘schools portal’ does exactly this, so if you haven’t signed up yet, please contact us to find out how.
Please note, this service is free of charge to all our customers.

Premier Performing Arts celebrates World Book Day!
Leading the celebration day was Premier Performing Arts Dance Director, Faye Cottrell. As a youngster Faye struggled to engage with reading work and would worry about reading slower than class mates rather than allowing her imagination to explore the wonders of a story.
Contact us to find out how your school can work with Premier Performing Arts. We can support you with the curriculum or OSHL Dance sessions. Why not get in touch about us delivering a themed day just like Cliddedsen Primary School did.

Ambassadors to be proud of
We’re very proud and fortunate to have the backing of some of the most recognised people in the world of sport and physical activity and have strong partnership with key organisations which help regulate and improve the industry in which we work.

Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040
All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725