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Exciting times ahead for Schools’ PE and Sports

It’s exciting times ahead for our sector as we’re sure you’re well aware. The soft drinks levy across the UK will provide funding to reduce obesity and encourage physical activity, which in turn will double the PE & Sport Premium for schools, with an extra £10 million being added every year for healthy school breakfast clubs!

But what does this mean?

  • The UK Chief Medical Officers’ recommend that all children take part in moderate or vigorous activity for at least 60 minutes per day
  • 30 minutes of this should be through the school; PE, Extra-Curricular Clubs and lunch time activities etc.
  • 30 minutes of this should be through parents and outside of school
  • Ofsted will be assessing how schools are using the premium and will be measuring the health impacts on children

So how does your school fare already? Are you thinking about how to meet these demands?

If you would like to chat about how your school is already meeting physical activity standards or would like to know how to improve them with the funding available, contact us using this link we’d be happy to help!

Yours Sincerely,
Alla Bennett
Area Manager
m: +44 (0)771 541 1960 | t: +44(0)1953 499 040 | e: [email protected]

Inspire the next generation of Olympians

It was difficult not to be inspired by the Olympics this summer and Team GB’s determination, performance and success really did do us all proud.

Which makes now the perfect time to capture the buzz that came with the Olympics and use it to inspire your children. Let’s leap on the bandwagon and get them excited about getting active and trying some of the sports that they enjoyed over the summer.

There’s a huge range of sports available and what’s not to love about getting involved in something that you’ve just watched one of the great athletes of our time taking part in.

Find out more

Get competitive in Gymnastics

Have you heard about our Gymnastics Competition? Schools from Leatherhead and Epsom will be taking part in 2017. The first rounds will be organized in clusters with finals scheduled to take place in May next year.

We’d love you to take part in one of our competitions. We can support your school in your gymnastic endeavours by teaching gymnastics, and our experienced level 2 gymnastic coaches deliver high quality gymnastics programmes based on British Gymnastics Proficiency awards.

The number of schools that come to us for support with their curricular and extra-curricular gymnastics is growing every term and we’d love to be able to help your school too.

Contact us today and we’ll support you and your children as they perform their way to the winning podium.

Keep the Rio Flame Going – what’s next after Run to Rio

Did your school take part? Run to Rio was a huge success: over 110 Surrey Schools took part (35,000 children) and more than half of them made the full distance to Rio (5,700 miles). The 12 week programme last term was organized by Active Surrey while Premier Sport provided its Golden Mile platform to monitor the progress and achievement. The aim was to encourage schools to collectively run or walk the 5,700 miles between Surrey and Rio.

As a result the children of Surrey ran more than 600,000 miles. That’s the equivalent of running round the world 24 times (24,901 miles) or running to the moon 2.5 times (238,855 miles).

To celebrate this incredible achievement Premier Sport offered all schools who completed the Run to Rio challenge a FREE Baseline Measurement. The measurements help schools to identify any children that might need additional support because they’re inactive or disengaged with the idea of physical activity. It’s a great free tool which will help focus your efforts when it comes to getting kids active.

Don’t stop now

All schools can continue to use the Golden Mile platform absolutely FREE of charge and we will continue to support you as you keep the Rio flame alight.

To book your Free Baseline Measurement please contact [email protected]

Outdoor learning perfect challenge for mind and body

What if you could turn your PE lessons into an exciting adventure where children of all abilities could take part? What if you could turn them into a treasure hunt?

Orienteering is a great adventure sport that offers both mental and physical challenges. It’s also an effective cross curricular activity that can support subjects like Maths, PE and Geography.

Better still, our activity professionals are trained and ready to design and deliver a range of progressive orienteering activities that can take place in the school grounds so no buses and complicated school trips to arrange.

Find out more about turning PE into an adventure by contacting us today at [email protected]

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Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040

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Registered Company: 3774725

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