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Are you using it?

Our ‘data dashboard’ school portal is FREE for all schools with Premier provision, so are you using it?

It will;

  • Provide evidence on the effective use of the Sport Premium and help you meet the requirements of the national curriculum
  • Inform, support and guide targeting interventions, encouraging success, accelerated learning and progress
  • Provide individual pupil and class records demonstrating progress and outcomes
  • Allow achievement, progress and participation to be tracked and celebrated!
  • Provide learning outcomes, activity objectives and online planning frameworks such as lesson plans for each session to be accessible to you
  • And much more!

The use of our five-strand model (CARED) allows more in depth and appropriate interventions to be made and a greater focus can be placed on re-engaging children through innovative activities, if disengaged, or increasing competency in children who are engaged but not skilled.

CARED helps us track pupil progress and work with teachers and parents to find the most suitable approach and programme for every child to maximise their development.

Become part of the journey, sign up to our school portal which is entirely FREE! Simply contact your local Premier representative and they can get the ball rolling for you. Alternatively contact us...

Contact Us

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Premier, Shropham, Norfolk, NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040

All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725

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