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2016 - What A Year We Have Lined Up
Dear Headteacher / PE Coordinator,
We’re all set for a busy 2016 with some key sporting events this year, such as the Olympic Games in Rio and the European Championships’ in France.
Can Premier Sport support your school, children and families to celebrate these events, using them as a leverage to encourage communities right across Twickenham & Staines to embrace being physical active? A key driver in our work is to inspire your young people to become more active through sport and physical activity. We use a set of 10 Core Values to help us achieve this.
At the heart of our support for primary schools is the quality of PE and School Sport (contribution to curriculum and School Sport premium) as well as the health and physical activity of you pupils. We understand the importance of educating children (& families) and raising awareness of the national target levels of physical activity, set out by the Chief Medical Officers for 5 to 18 year olds -
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Schools Portal - New Impact Dashboard Will Save You Time & Resources
We’re delighted to announce the new, bespoke ‘impact dashboard’ is now available via the Schools Portal.
The new dashboard has been two years in the making and measures pupil progress through key impact areas such as attainment, increased participation in extracurricular activity, attendance and popular activities at your school. This data is fully managed by Premier Sport staff and requires no input from your school staff, thus saving you lots of time and resources, allowing you to focus on the ‘outcomes’ and interventions instead!

A Golden Invitation to Join Our ‘Road To Rio’...
With the London games over three years ago (seems like yesterday), the 2016 games head to Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro this summer.
To celebrate the greatest sporting event on the planet, Premier Sport is offering you the chance to experience your very own ‘Road to Rio’ enrichment activity.
Our Activity Professionals are qualified to deliver a range of sports featuring in Brazil, meaning you can choose the activity each class participates in during the enrichment sessions. Some of our more unique sports on offer are listed below;
Fencing • Archery • Handball • Volleyball • Tri-Golf (golf in the Olympics for the first time next year) • Badminton • Sitting Volleyball (Paralympic sport) • Boccia (Paralympic sport) • Goalball (Paralympic sport)
These activities will provide a great opportunity for your pupils to try something completely new, that they may have only ever seen on TV!

Premier’s consideration of Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social Dimensions...
In September 2015, Ofsted introduced the new Common Inspection Framework (CIF) to schools to probe a number of key areas for consideration around inspecting.
At Premier, our team of 900+ Activity Professionals are you using CIF headings and principles to challenge and check our own practises including Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social Dimensions.

Definition of Physical Activity, Physical Education and School Sport
Physical activity, physical education and school sport are similar in that they all include physical movement, but there are important differences between them (Click ‘read more’ to see).
Please see how we differentiate between these three areas, in our groundbreaking Inspire Programme that was designed by Physical Education & Sport experts that engage whole school communities across the UK.

Daniel Gyles
Health & Physical Activity Coordinator
Twickenham & Staines
E: [email protected]
M: 07850 123 085
Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040
All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725