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Premier Sport - Working in partnership with The Golden Mile

The Golden Mile compliments the services that Premier Sport deliver to over 2000+ schools nationwide. Backed by sports stars including Dame Kelly Holmes, Duncan Goodhew and Lawrence Dallaglio, studies prove the Golden Mile is hugely influential in improving the fitness of pupils - as well as helping to improve concentration in class and attendance.

The Golden Mile programme, which has already engaged thousands of children throughout the UK, has been developed to encourage children to walk, jog or run up to 50 miles within an academic year. It is the simplest, most flexible physical activity scheme in schools today and a valuable tool in the fight against childhood obesity.

Primary schools have now passed 36,000 Golden Miles since September with over 8000 pupils recording Golden Miles daily.

The aim being to inspire and encourage school communities through physical activity with the focus on fun, rewarding personal achievement, raising money and school competition.

The Golden Mile provides schools and School Sports Partnerships with measurable data. The initiative is a great example of ensuring children has access to regular physical activity.

For more information visit www.golden-mile.org

How does it work? Watch our video and learn how we can help your school... Watch video
Going For Gold! Register and challenge your pupils to complete 50 golden miles of physical activity... Learn More
Golden Support! “The product is simple, effective and accessible to  all schools, children and  parents. It is an innovative  project that is embraced by  both children and schools.”  Olympic gold medallist,  Duncan Goodhew MBE

To find out how your school can participate in The Golden Mile email info@golden-mile.org

The Benefits

The Golden Mile has a number of key benefits over and beyond tackling the obesity epidemic in the UK. The benefits include -

  • Sustainable 3 year mass participation project
  • Inter and intra school competition
  • Fully inclusive (engage the disengaged)
  • Meets new Ofsted requirements
  • Cross curricular learning outcomes
  • Measurement via our advanced online system
  • Pupil led and managed
  • Reporting system

Providing a sustainable & measurable solution for schools

In light of the new school sport funding announcement The Golden Mile is the perfect solution for schools and SSPs to ensure the funding is sustainable and measurable whilst providing schools with short, medium and long-term strategy to hit their outcomes.

Following the recent announcement the government outlined some guidelines to schools highlighting the below -

"Tougher assessment of sport provision via Ofsted to ensure the funding is bringing the maximum benefit for all pupils, with schools held to account for how they spend the money. For instance, schools will be required to publish details of their sporting provision on their websites and one year on from this announcement, Ofsted will carry out a survey reporting on the impact of the new funding and holding schools to account on how they have spent their Sport Premium money"

Good news, The Golden Mile already provides the statistical data Ofsted require removing this added pressure on head teachers.

To find out how your school can participate in The Golden Mile email info@golden-mile.org

Proven to raise £1000s through fundraising

The Golden Mile has proved a great tool for fundraising thousands of pounds for schools.

"The Golden Mile has had a really positive impact on our school & pupils. We raised over £1500 last term as well as participating in regular physical activity to achieve Golden Mile certificates. The money has been put towards new play equipment for our KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.

"All we did was arrange a fundraising sports day, printed off sponsor forms from the resources section and distribute these to the pupils along with a letter. Parents attended as part of our school sports week. We’re already planning our next Golden Mile fundraising event."

Jeremy Holman (Deputy Head Teacher), Mary Exton School, Hitchin

Please email [email protected] if you would like any further examples of schools fundraising.

To find out how your school can participate in The Golden Mile email info@golden-mile.org

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