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Friday 7th November 2014


...to your weekly news update, featuring articles from across the Premier Education Group.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

Did you know?

The Skills and Compliance department are providing over 1000 training hours in 2015 for you and your staff, across eight regions, covering over 20 topics to ensure the ongoing development of your business.

Introducing the NEW 2015 Training Programme

We’re pleased to share with you the NEW 2015 Premier Education Group annual training programme, where you will find an array of courses designed to enhance you, your staff and your business.  We can now offer accredited, practical courses for Activity Professionals through our 1st4Sport training centre and theoretical courses for business development.

Our team of expert facilitators will be delivering and presenting training in a number of regions across the UK, meaning there will be courses locally for you and your staff.

If you have any questions relating the new programme, please contact Mel Jackson, Skills & Compliance Administrator.

View the Training Programme here


The launch of our brand new online training platform offering courses that you can access in the comfort of your own homes.

Franchisee support day with James and Danny - building your business & increasing profit

Danny Melling and James Jennison last week provided a training support day for franchisees that have just completed 18 months as franchise owners. The aim of the day was to offer a full day of support to franchisees that had been without James’ one-to-one support for 6 months.

This was a great opportunity for James and Danny to help these franchisees evaluate their first 18 months in business and to continue building capacity and growth.

The group was asked the following three questions at the beginning of the day and with Danny and James’ support, had the answers by the end -

  • What is your sales strategy?
  • Are you targeting the right people / places?
  • Are you measuring impact & conversion rates?

Leading up to the meeting, Danny and James had been working with TIME Associates and Bill Vickers to collate key data and analysis, which you’ll find very interesting. Here are some of the key findings...

Click here to read more

Did you know?

The Operations team invested 80 hours last week into reviewing and developing the holiday club programme with the aim to increase YOUR profit! The Marketing Director and Operations Director met with the top 6 performing franchisees for holiday club activity.

Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham MP meets with CEO David Batch and Ambassador Duncan Goodhew

Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham MP met with Premier Ambassador Duncan Goodhew and CEO David Batch this week to discuss PE & School Sport.

With the majority of the Sport Premium funding being provided by the Department of Health, it is important to generate awareness of your great work and ‘outstanding’ delivery levels (according to Ofsted).

Click here to read more

Did you know?

The marketing team communicated directly to over 130,412 stakeholders this week, including your parents, your schools, your active Activity Professionals and former Activity Professionals.

Councils are proving non-taxing for our licensees

Golden Mile licensees are having unprecedented success approaching local councils of late to discuss the initiative and potential impact it can have. If YOU haven’t already approached them, we would urge you to ASAP.

With three huge success stories in as many weeks engaging between 12 and 50 schools (each time), you can see the impact this relationship can have on your business. There are also massive upselling opportunities with holiday course programmes etc...

Click ‘read more’ to see some of the amazing statistics one council project achieved in just eight months....

Click here to read more

Did you know?

A potential franchisee will speak with a minimum of 10 members of our team including other franchisees throughout their due diligence period.

Our new YouTube channel featuring a number of you

This month see’s the launch of The Premier Education Group YouTube channel. We are always looking for innovative ways to present what we do to potential franchisees.

As we are all aware we do operate in an exciting and rewarding arena and sometimes just reading about it is not enough. So who better to explain why they invested in a Premier business opportunity than our franchisees.  You will see a selection of Premier Sport franchisees plus Premier Performing Arts instructors provide a brief insight into what it takes to operate a Premier business.

Click here to read more

Did you know?

This week, the finance department processed over £300k worth of school payments from your schools, equating to 465 transactions.

Premier Performing Arts licensee generates £4000 within 3 weeks of one-to-one support day

Last week’s ‘Did you know’ fact referred to a licensee generating over £4000 from a FREE one-to-one support day with Creative Director, Frankie.

Frankie met with licensee Matt Ewer and his Dance Co-ordinator Kate Maguire just 3 weeks ago. Since then, Kate confirms they have generated over £4000 of business as a direct result.

Click here to read more

Did you know?

The Golden Mile’s central team deals directly with over 100 enquiries per month from our licensee’s schools, thus reducing your time spent on administrative tasks.

Don’t forget your Camp Returns from half term

There are still quite a few camp returns outstanding from October Half term. Don’t forget to submit your camp return form once your course has finished and any payments have been accounted for and uploaded onto the BMS.

Please email your form to Courtney so we can reconcile to the BMS and release any payment.

Did you know?

Creative Director Frankie has already delivered FREE one-to-one support days to 75% of the performing arts network this term. As a direct result, turnover has already increased by 73% against the previous term, and we’re still only in November!

All things Christmassy - final deadline for ordering literature & Christmas cards available NOW!

We would like to bring to your attention that the final printing deadline for ordering themed Christmas holiday literature is this Monday at 5pm. Follow these order guidelines.

You can now order Christmas cards for schools, parents and partners via the online shop. These are priced at £10 + VAT for 50 cards and printed on 350gsm silk.

Did you know?

After just 6 hours training, a teacher is legally allowed to deliver swimming as part of the National Curriculum... Compare that to the new PESS Level 3, which consists of 164 guided learning hours before they are a registered professional to deliver PE!

Arts Council England calls for dance to be in Curriculum

Jan De Schynkel, Relationship Manager Dance at Arts Council England, encourages schools to support dance in the curriculum through the PE and Sports premium funding.

Check out the full article here.

Have a finance related question? Courtney has the answer...

We’ve had a number of franchisees / licensees contacting various personnel at HQ with finance related questions. So, we thought it would be useful to clarify that ALL finance related questions need to be directed to Finance Assistant, Courtney Sinclair.

Email – [email protected]
Phone – 01953 499044

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Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040

All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725

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