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Friday 22nd May 2015
...to your weekly news update, featuring articles from across Premier Education Group.
For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]
Wow, check this out – can your schools match this endorsement? Well done Jenno/Andy...

We’ve upped the ante – if you submit a video to us, you will win a £10 shop voucher and enter a prize draw for a £100 shop voucher...

Did you know?

Following the re-election of the Conservatives, the Education Secretary was speaking live on the Andrew Marr show last Sunday explaining how they will pledge more money to school leaders ‘on the front line’ and protect budgets. It is also predicated there will be 7% more children in schools over the next 5 years meaning your business potential will automatically increase at no extra cost.
Launch your official Facebook and Twitter accounts – book CIM training now...
We now have 18 businesses across the network set to launch their official social media accounts following completion of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) online modules and face-to-face training at HQ.
The next training course is now available to book via the online shop. But first, hit ‘The process’ button below to find out what is required before being able to connect with your local stakeholders.
PEG franchisee, Dan Harris urges you to book onto the next course - “If you haven’t got social media as part of your marketing strategy, I would strongly advise you to book onto the next course. Yes, the initial outlay sounds a lot but when I compared it to the amount we spend on leaflets, AP time delivering leaflets and assemblies, I soon realised we spent more than this each term for a low ROI.
I can now engage with my audience daily, receive feedback, promote new products instantly and add free value to our audience on a daily basis. I can now leverage my audience to promote and share the good work we do in our area”.
Did you know?

Over the past two weeks, the central Customer Services team have received high call volumes from parents wanting to book onto summer holiday courses. Unfortunately, a large number of franchisees still haven’t loaded these to the BMS. Our reporting system suggests we had 1058 courses loaded last year, so far we only have 326 (30%) available on the BMS...ACT NOW!
Financial performance statistics across the network
In last week’s News Update, we published the latest outstanding ‘delivery’ statistics across the network. This week, we’re pleased to share your financial performance for term one and two.
- 67% of the network have grown their business between £1k - £30k since term one.
- 30% of like for like franchises have added more than £31k turnover to their business since the same time last year (19% more than £45k)
- The average like for like turnover year to date is:
- Y3 = £50k
- Y4 = £82k
- Y5+ = £129k
- 63% of the entire network have been in business for 5 or more years.
- 41% of franchises operating for 3 years or more have already qualified for the 100 Club.
- One franchisee has already generated ¾ £million turnover so far this year
The average school spend is up 14% compared to the same period last year.
We now have 105 franchises in the network, an increase of 15% on the same period last year.
Did you know?

As a result of our increased content generation via social media (Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/LinkedIn), Premier Sport’s Klout score reached 55 this week. This puts Premier Sport in the top 20% of all social media users.
Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed!
Our leading franchisee, Danny Bloomfield has realised this is absolutely crucial to maximising his Golden Mile investment and it will come as no surprise to you that Danny took appropriate action. He’s put a strategic plan in place, along with the resource, meaning he is now reaping the rewards of being prepared for opportunity!
“A common theme across our Golden Mile communications is the importance of structure. Without this, the required resources cannot be channelled to where and when they are needed most, to ensure YOU control your access to opportunity and advancement” says The Golden Mile’s Director, Karl Fox. |
Did you know?

Next week, Golden Mile Director, Karl Fox will be inviting you to join a ‘GM Licensee, Whatsapp group’ to encourage ‘effective affectiveness’ within your license... look out for a video from Karl inviting you to the group.
Increase your prices and reinvest in your staff – a few examples...
An increase of 3% on £135 per day (average network cost of curricular day) means your schools will only pay an extra £153.90 over the year. But to your business, it means, an extra £3,078 per year, if you’re delivering 20 days of curriculum.
Or, by increasing your holiday course price by just 10% (from £12.95 to £14.25) would mean a net increase of 92p per child. For 25 children per day this would result in an additional £23.
Both of these examples will provide you with additional revenue enabling you to reinvest in your most valuable asset – your staff!
For example, by increasing an Activity Professional’s hourly rate on your holiday courses by just 25p, would mean, an additional £4 per day (based on two Act Pro’s). This would leave you with a net increase of £19 per day.
Very happy staff members
Very happy business owner
Minimal effort.
Did you know?

Perkins Slade and LRO provide bespoke policies for our Premier Sport franchisees and Premier Performing Arts licensees. Both are physical activity specialists, have many years of experience and are approved providers by the Compass Association. More information can be found under the Policy & Procedures resources section on the BMS.
The new online shop is LIVE!
We’re delighted to announce the new Irongate platform is live. Please copy/paste the following URL and this will open up the portal at the login page.
Simply enter your unique username and password to gain access to the array of marketing collateral.
Your Unique User Name is: your email address
Your password is: preedu

Did you know?

If you have a question or comment about the products/services on the new Irongate platform, you can contact [email protected]
Premier Performing Arts Insurance
Can we please remind Premier Performing Arts licensees that ‘lifts’ are not covered as part of the standard Premier Performing Arts Insurance policy, with either of our insurers. Lifting pupils during rehearsal or performance carries a significantly greater risk to themselves and others and therefore an additional premium must be requested. Both LRO and Perkins Slade will be very happy to assist you further with this and the contact details are on the BMS resource section. Not carrying adequate insurance in the event of a claim would leave licensees in breach of their agreement and potentially personally liable for any damages.
Did you know?

The new Premier Performing Arts dance and drama planning framework is live on the BMS.
Longstanding partnership continues to add value
In a recent Weekly News Update we told you about Darren Campbell MBE launching a new promotion we’re running this summer in association with Chewits. The aim is to get 10,000 children active across the UK, on our Inspire to Engage courses.
This one off promotion will provide the network with brand exposure at local and national level and will drive new customers to your activities as well as encouraging existing and lapsed customers to book during holiday periods. This is a key area of any franchisee’s business and one that following the already extensive development work; we are keen to continue to drive this on your behalf.
We’ve already generated national and local coverage following Darren’s appearance including in the Daily Mail and the ITN Schools Bulletin. We also have existing promotions in place with The Times and The Sun and are awaiting confirmation from the Express and Daily Star. All of these activities are facilitated centrally to benefit you locally.
We will keep you updated on any further promotional activity as they are confirmed and for more information on any of the promotions we have running, please contact [email protected]
You can see the details of the current Chewits promotion by clicking the links below.
Did you know?

On your behalf, we’ve invested £50,000 in the last year on our illustrious list of high profile sporting Ambassadors, such as; Jason Robinson, Stuart Pearce, Darren Campbell and Duncan Goodhew.
Apply for ‘The pupil premium summer schools programme’ before 29th May!
Following the popularity of the summer schools programme for pupil premium students since 2012, the government will be making £250 - £500 per pupil available for the scheme to run again this summer.
Summer schools provide an excellent opportunity for secondary schools to help disadvantaged new pupils understand what and how they will be studying in key stage 3 and ultimately make a successful transition from primary to secondary school. It is also an opportunity for schools to help disadvantaged pupils who are behind in key areas such as literacy and numeracy to catch up with their peers.
We would urge you to pass this information to your secondary schools (where you plan to deliver summer courses) so they can apply for funding by completing a short online form by 29th May 2015.

Did you know?

Skills & Compliance will soon be releasing information on PEG’s bespoke new traineeship and apprenticeship programmes ready for September 2015 enrolment.

Termly management accounts – submit yours by 31st May
As you are all aware, your accounts for the period 1st January to 30th April 2015 are due by 31st May. Please ensure you are/have been proactive in passing your financial information to your accountant in order to achieve this.
This was a key process from our NTE event; we have invested in some resource to be able to provide detailed network analysis from your submissions.

Foxy fighting for his Dad – can you help fight his corner too? #morethansport
On Saturday 6th of June, PEG Director, Karl Fox will take part in a ‘Jackson Williams Corporate Boxing Show’ to raise money for a cause that’s close to him and his family’s heart. Karl will be boxing for his Dad who was sadly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease just a couple of months ago.
If you haven’t done so already, please give generously.
Karl would also like to thank the Premier Education Group network for all your kind donations to such a great cause. If you would like to join all the Head Office staff at the event, just drop Karl an email.


Missed a previous newsletter? Check out our archive...
We thought you would find it useful to create a Weekly News Update archive housing previous newsletters from this academic year.
‘Read more’ to catch up on any news you may have missed.

Premier Education Group | Shropham | NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040
All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725