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Friday 27th January 2017


...to your weekly news update, featuring articles from across Premier Education Group.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

£1million Business Plan Recap

We’ve had loads of really positive feedback from network about the process last week and how it helped them to build their £1m business plan.

Here’s a recap of the tutorials, along with all links needed to help you out...


Day 1: Setting your Strategy

Day 2: Gap Analysis

Day 3: Increasing Volume

Day 4: Increasing Price

Day 5: Summary

On Monday 23rd January at 11am Operations Director, Danny Melling is available to discuss your plan, strategy and tactics should you need any further support.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.

Register Now

How are you monitoring data and measuring your impact?

Are you and your team checking the school portal ‘participation’ stats? What if you notice that a large percentage of year 6 girls, for example, are not taking part or attending clubs?

What do you do?

Survey the girls to find out ‘why’ it may be as simple as “we don’t like doing clubs with the boys” or “we don’t like getting changed in front of the boys.”


Survey the girls to find out ‘why’ it may be as simple as “we don’t like doing clubs with the boys” or “we don’t like getting changed in front of the boys” Girls only clubs or Allow girls to get changed separately! If these simple changes mean that 20 year 6 girls who previously were disengaged, then take part in a club you have had MASSIVE impact and it should be recorded as such in your impact report to school leaders.

Monitor, Measure, Intervene, Measure again!

What gets measured gets done but more importantly, what gets rewarded gets done again!

If the stats and evidence prove that schools cannot afford NOT to have you then they will always find the money! It’s as simple as that but more importantly, you are having a huge, positive impact on the lives of young people and supporting them to lead a happy and healthy life! Now what’s more rewarding than that?

Sally Gunnell OBE Premier Transition Launch Press

WOW - what a week! Our launch of Premier Transition has kicked off with our spokesperson, Sally Gunnell OBE, who appeared on The Chris Evans Breakfast Show this morning.

Today’s activity reached a whopping 45million people and there’s still more to come!

We’ve collated some of the press coverage for you, so that you can keep up to date; and for Premier Transition licensees, these are perfect for sharing with schools, and on social media!

Most Cambridge parents don’t know enough to teach children about healthy living, says new survey

Cambridge children could be missing out on the best possible start in life because their parents don’t have the time, money or knowledge to help them lead a healthier lifestyle, according to a new survey.

Read more here.

Norfolk primary schools encouraged to join fitness programme

Primary schools have been encouraged to sign up to a scheme which fouses fitness classes around drop-off and pick-up times.

Read more here.

Did you catch Sally’s live Facebook Q&A on our Facebook page?

Click below to view the full Q&A with Sally Gunnell...

#NTE17 Going for Gold - A Growth Mindset

This year’s National Training Event sees our return to the stunning Dunston Hall in Norfolk on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th February 2016.

The theme for this year’s two day event is Going for Gold - A Growth Mindset, focussing on what stage your business is currently at and how you can grow your franchise towards achieving a greater annual turnover. We’ll have our usual array of guest speakers, offering expert guidance on finance and business strategy, effective KPI planning, how to better motivate your team and much more!

Click here to read more

Customer solutions department is being re-energised!

You may have noticed that we have some exciting developments happening in our customer solutions team at HQ. We have summarised some of the changes and improvements below, but should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Frankie and the team on [email protected]...

  • Booking option after the course start date enhancement on the website and BMS - will be live shortly
  • Customer spend incentive schemes for your customers to drive their average spend - therefore increasing your income value per parent - will be live shortly
  • FAQ messaging on telephone line to ensure children arrive at courses prepared with correct kit etc.
  • Created a comprehensive complaints procedure to ensure your customers are dealt with correctly and efficiently.

We are also working on a number of other improvements/enhancements which we will share with you shortly!

Feb half term camp planners for Drama!

The Feb half term camp planners are here, your staff can select from either ‘Fantasy & Fiction’ or ‘The World Around Us’!

Fantasy & Fiction

The World Around Us

We are also holding a drama go to meeting on February 8th 2017 at 10am with our fantastic drama consultant, Rebecca Evers!

Rebecca Evers - Drama Q&A
Wed 8th Feb 2017, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM GMT

You can also dial in using your phone. United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0090.
Access Code: 398-310-077

Book Now

First GoToMeeting? Try a test session here!

Golden Girl Liz delivers WOW with every interaction...

This week in the Customer Solutions department, a parent had cause to call us regarding his concern that his child had been left at school following the cancellation of a course without any notification from the franchisee or activity professional. Liz jumped to the rescue and handled the situation by contacting the manager and also keeping the parent updated.

Not only was the situation resolved and dealt with quickly and efficiently but, better still, she turned a negative into a positive for the customer by taking his postal address and surprising his child with a load of Premier ‘goodies’!

Well done Liz!

Missed a previous newsletter? Check out our archive...

We thought you would find it useful to create a Weekly News Update archive housing previous newsletters from this academic year.

‘Read more’ to catch up on any news you may have missed.

Click here to read more

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Tel: 01953 499 040

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Registered Company: 3774725


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