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Friday 17th November 2017

Welcome to your Weekly Roundup featuring articles from across Premier.

For more information on any of the articles featured below or for any general enquires, please email [email protected]

Territory Specific CQI Infographics...

At the end of last year we shared with you our 2016-2017 CQI results. Overall, this document encapsulates how well Premier are performing across the UK, but wouldn’t it be great if you could have a localised version? Like this... Click the image below for a better look.

Well a lucky few can!

The following franchisees recorded enough responses (above a 25% response rate from active schools, or over 8 responses) from schools in their area for an infographic to be formed;

  1. Alistair Hudson
  2. John Gorner
  3. Andy Stevenson
  4. Danny Boswell

The franchise with the highest % response rate will be rewarded with 2 New Balance Stadium Jackets for FREE!

Alongside their custom infographic they will receive step by step guidance on how to effectively use this to shout about the impact they are having in their local area. Pushing this over social media as well as in meetings and correspondence with current, and potential new schools, will not only prove how valuable their provision is but will help build new business.

If you missed out, there is always this academic year when we complete our annual CQI survey again! We will be increasing the target next year; so to receive a custom infographic you’ll need to receive over 10 responses or have 25% of active schools respond.

What you need to do...

In order to maximise your chances of receiving enough responses we recommend that you spend time now; building relationships with schools, looking at your own feedback from last year’s survey and identifying why active schools didn’t respond. That way, when the CQI survey comes around towards the end of this academic year, you will be in a better position and more likely to receive responses from schools in your areas. We will be offering bigger and better prizes for those areas that receive the greatest response rate, so don't miss out!

Partnerships Update

Don’t worry if you missed the recent ‘Desert-Performance’ webinar with Jane Hannah, we have recorded the entire webinar for you to watch back at a time that suits you.

This document has gone out to all County Sports Partnerships and you will find a reference to Premier under number 23, don’t wait for them to contact us, but instead please be proactive and make contact with your CSP to ask if they need some support.

The second document, PP Position Statement is a paper pulled together by the County Sport Partnership Network which has gone to all CSPs to encourage them to take stock and refocus effort to do what they can to drive increased impact from this funding.

Follow this link for more information on how the Active Kids Survey works...

Any questions or thoughts, please email Jane Hannah or call Jane on 07776 445500.

Actively Changing Lives!

Will you be fundraising this charitable season?

We’ve developed a fantastic new fundraising programme, which is not only easy to implement, but helps to support charities in your community in a fun and engaging way!

Download your “arts-athon” session plans and kick start your fundraising. Whether you choose “dance-athon”, “drama-thon” or both, engage your schools in this amazing new programme and make a difference.

Our Journey to 10k

Premier Foundation is donating 50% of everything you raise to Children in Need, and we’re giving you the chance to win an Ambassador visit...

Share your photos and videos on Facebook and Twitter, using the hashtag #ActivelyChangingLives for a chance to win!

Don’t forget to keep us up to date with your fundraising progress. Email [email protected] or contact @PremFoundation on Twitter, or @PremierFoundationUK on Facebook. 

If you have any questions on the programmes, please email Eve Murphy or Rebecca Evers.

Donate to Foundation Now!

Franchisee Marketing Webinars

Following on from the success of our first marketing webinar - marketing to parents with Gemma Howell - we will be running a further two webinars in the coming weeks. The next webinar is on Monday, don't miss out!

Week 2 - Literature & Merchandise Advice with Will Baker

Monday 20th November - 10:00am - 10:30am
(covering ordering, timings, tips and tricks).

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United Kingdom: +44 330 221 0097
Access Code: 272-862-981

First GoToMeeting?

Let’s do a quick system check: https://link.gotomeeting.com/system-check

Exciting Fit & Fun-Trition Enhancements Now Live On The BMS!

Check out the two videos below to find out about the fantastic new enhancements to Fun and Fit-Trition - now live on the BMS. The videos below will guide you through the enhancements and how they work...

Any questions or thoughts, please email Frankie at [email protected]

B11 Special Offer!

In order to help you ensure that you are IRREPLACEABLE to the schools you work within, we would like to provide you with a special offer that you can share with schools from B11 Education.

Premier purchased B11 Education Ltd with the aspiration to improve the quality of education available to young people across the UK - facilitated not only through our innovative Sport, Arts and Wellbeing programmes, but also through the provision of school improvement advice and expertise through B11 Education. Educational establishments should need to look no further than us for all of their developmental needs.

Here is an email template with a discount for Premier schools. We recommend that you distribute this email to the active schools in your area, by doing so, you will add additional value to the support you already provide your schools with.

If you have any questions at all then please feel free to contact Emily Francis.

Premier at the Academies Show!

Next week, on Wednesday 22nd November, Premier will be exhibiting at The Academies Show to help raise awareness of the brand and our Wellbeing offering to thousands of headteachers.

This is a fantastic platform for us to engage with, and raise awareness of current and active schools on the work that Premier do and the IMPACT that we can have.

With one of the key themes of the show being pupil and staff wellbeing, we will be actively promoting Premier.

What’s the objective for the show?

  • Raise awareness of Premier to those we engage with
  • Generate LEADS for Premier Wellbeing
  • Evidence our IMPACT to schools

To help generate interest in the Wellbeing programme, we will be offering a FREE Wellbeing taster session for all schools we interact with on the day...

Not a Wellbeing licensee? The show will still benefit you. We will be capturing the contact details of everyone we talk to at the show. Whether their interest is in Wellbeing or our Sports and Arts programmes, we will be actively targeting these contacts after the show to generate leads for your business.

You will still get a notification of school interest in your area if you’re not a Wellbeing licensee. It’s a great way to assess potential demand within your territory.

Find Out More

Christmas Camp Resources!

We’ve created some awesome Christmas decoration templates, and a “design your own” Christmas Tree competition, to print out and give to the children at your holiday camps. Encourage social media engagement, get the creative juices flowing, and spread the Christmas cheer!

Both the ‘Premier Christmas Colouring’ and ‘Premier Christmas Decorations’ can be downloaded from the BMS under ‘Resources-Camps-Christmas’.

Selling Wellbeing Well...

All it took was sending the simple email below, and a response was received from the Head teacher within 20 minutes. This was a school that couldn’t previously be accessed with Sport due to a competitor. It is an email that in all honestly stated the obvious, but one we have highlighted out of commendation.

“I am sure you have got some provision in place and I know that you use Sporting Bodies for the wrap around care. We would not be looking to replace any existing provision you are happy with, but look at how we can complement this with some of our alternative programmes.

For a school the size of Church Broughton it is quite an excessive amount of money, and there is only so much you can spend on PE. Since we last met, we have devised a Health and Wellbeing programme which we are now delivering in over 25 schools and has been fantastically well received. With the extra money also comes more accountability and greater need to demonstrate impact and to target the pupils that need additional support, which is also something we can support your school with.

It would be great to meet to catch up and have a chat about how we could possibly support you to ensure the additional money is having the maximum impact.”

This is the response received from the Head teacher;

“Hi James

Good to hear from you, I was rather wondering what I can spend the extra money on!

Be great to catch up, Tues - Thurs are best for me.”

Two days later James Jennison had delivered the meeting, sold a years’ worth of Fun and Play-Trition, to what is a small school, with a value of over £2,000 and will no doubt go on to replace his competitors in time with Sport & Arts. Imagine what difficulties larger schools may have...

Operations Director Karl Fox said “The difference I see between success and failure more times than not is ‘attitude’. Now there are many variables to this such as fully understanding the product you are selling, building a structure so your business is consistently selling, being relentless etc but all of which comes back to attitude, an attitude to succeed! James Jennison on average has 20 sales meetings PER WEEK across his businesses, now even for smaller single territory businesses that equates to 5 sales meetings PER WEEK!

How many sales meetings have you had this week? How many sales meetings have you had this month or even this term? How does your business compare?

Karl continued, “It’s not luck that James has already sold Wellbeing to 25 schools and is generating over £40k of additional revenue in his business so far, it’s his attitude to be successful”

Want to hear for yourself? James will be hosting a 15 minute ‘Wellbeing Success Webinar’ on Monday 27th November at 10:45 am, following the marketing webinar.

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Missed a previous newsletter? Check out our archive...

We thought you would find it useful to create a Weekly News Update archive housing previous newsletters from this academic year.

‘Read more’ to catch up on any news you may have missed.

Click here to read more

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Premier, Shropham, Norfolk, NR17 1EJ
Tel: 01953 499 040

All data property of Premier Education Group
Registered Company: 3774725

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